Guitar and Piano Transcriptions

The Same Situation

Piano music transcribed by Dave Blackburn

Author Notes:

The Same Situation is one of the several lovely piano compositions
on Court and Spark and is a little more straightforward than Down
to You or Car on a Hill in that it doesn't contain an extended
orchestral interlude in the middle.

In order to avoid the chart being unneccesarily long I have used
repeat marks with first and second endings. There are very minor
differences in the piano part the second time through but not
enough to warrant another four pages. The melody as written out
only scans with the lyrics of the first half. Joni's phrasing
and melodic line are somewhat different the second time through.
I only included the vocal staff as a place reference for the pianist.

Note how Joni freely slides between 5/4, 4/4 and 3/4 meters and
makes much use of Minor 11 and Maj9 (no 3rd) chords, which
preempts Steely Dan's use of them in a pop/rock context. These
chords are partly what give Joni's piano writing of this era its
"jazz-like" quality.

Dave Blackburn

[Original Sibelius file, compatible with Sibelius 7+]

This transcription is the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song.
You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or research.
Copyrighted material contained in transcriptions is used in accordance with 'Fair Use'.


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beatntrack on

You are welcome earchow and thanks for the feedback. Dave B

earchow on

what a great find! i was listening to this song repeatedly tonight and then wondered what might be available? Perfect... thanks so much to dave blackburn for this transcription...