Where are you now
Are you in some hotel room
Does it have a view?
Are you caught in a crowd
Or holding some honey
Who came on to you?
Why do you have to be so jive
OK hang up the phone
It hurts
But something survives
Though it's undermined
I'd still like to see you sometime
I'm feeling so good
And my friends all tell me
That I'm looking fine
I run in the woods
I spring from the boulders
Like a mama lion
I'm not ready to
Change my name again
But you know I'm not after
A piece of your fortune
And your fame
'Cause I tasted mine
I'd just like to see you sometime
Pack your suspenders *
I'll come meet your plane
No need to surrender
I just want to see you again
We're in for more rain
I could sure use some sunshine on my apple trees
It seems such a shame
We start out so kind and end so heartlessly
I couldn't take them all on then
With a headful of questions and hypes
So when the hopes got so slim
I just resigned
But I'd still like to see you sometime
I'd sure like to see you
© October 30, 1972; Joni Mitchell Pub Corp
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"One manifestation of [Joni's then-marriage to Larry Klein] is that Mitchell is no longer pouring the state of her romantic life into her song lyrics. "Secret Place" is the only love song on the new album, and it's veiled. Dog Eat Dog had only the fey "Lucky Girl." Since Wild Things, the open-hearted wedding album, Joni Mitchell has closed that door to her fans.
"Yeah," she nods. "I don't want business on the street regarding us. I'm very happily married. With my early songs there was so much gossip concerning it! I wrote a song for James Taylor that mentioned his suspenders. And then on his next album he went and wore his bloody suspenders on the cover! Well, then the cat was completely out of the bag!"
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DeanG on :
I see a problem here.
The album 'For the roses' came out in 1972. The lyrics to 'See you sometime' mention the suspenders.
But, James Taylor's 'Mud slide slim' came out in 1971, so his choice of cover art can't have been a response to Joni's lyric.
Maybe the other way round? Could her lyric have been a reply to his cover art? Or was Joni singing this song for quite some time before the album was released?