A Chronology of Appearances

This work-in-progress lists all currently known appearances, drawn from a variety of sources.
Researched, Compiled, and Maintained by Simon Montgomery, © 2001-2025.
Special thanks to Joel Bernstein for his contributions and assistance.
Latest Update: February 2, 2025
Please send comments, corrections or additions to: simon@icu.com

1983.04.27 Joni's next appearance Congresgebouw The Hague, The Netherlands

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  • Photo by Rob Verhorst.
  • Photo by Rob Verhorst.
  • Photo by Rob Verhorst.

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Miranda Goddijn on

Loving her music and lyrics in my teens I was so happy to finally get a chance to see and hear Joni live, when she played in The Hague, the Netherlands.

I read in an interview she said shewould love to make music that people could dance too, like the Police (?!), somewhat aknowledging her music wasn't that fit for dancing. Whith that in mind me and my friend at one point stood up and got to dance (mostly to please Joni) just a few moments but the American security guys told us to sit down. From what I remember Joni Mitchell was laughing because of us dancing.

I didn't like those security guys....;-)

But on the whole it was an impressive concert

Corinne on

I was fifteen when I sat on the first row at this concert in total awe... At this age I had MANtrouble and Joni was my best friend!

peter.arnoldus on

Wild things run fast that is the first thing that came up in my mind. As a great fan of Joni I was very happy she came to the Netherlands. I was a great fusion fan and in the time of 'Don Juan's... i learn to love her. For me and my wife it was the best concert I have ever seen. I sat on the second row and she repeat my wife's DEN HAAG when Joni ask how to pronounce the city where she was.
Joni I still love you and I hope you will be coming to the Netherlands again.
Love your paintings and music time runs fast also.

ReneSimons on

I remember this concert very clearly because it involved imho a sensational album and a sensational band. The songs were performed flawlessly. The only thing I missed were Joni's backing vocals which I like so much (I wasn't a very experienced concert visitor ;-) ). I was seated in the centre of the fifth row right in front of Joni and was blown away by Michael Landau's guitar virtuosity, Vinnie's incredible drumming (his glasses kept on falling off his nose during the "wilder stuff"), Larry's flageolets and Russel's sound layers.
The last encore was Joni's solo version of Woodstock. As I remember it is was beautifull. I am still waiting for Joni to come to Holland again....