A Chronology of Appearances

This work-in-progress lists all currently known appearances, drawn from a variety of sources.
Researched, Compiled, and Maintained by Simon Montgomery, © 2001-2025.
Special thanks to Joel Bernstein for his contributions and assistance.
Latest Update: February 2, 2025
Please send comments, corrections or additions to: simon@icu.com

1996.12.11 Joni's next appearance Beverly Wilshire Hotel Los Angeles, CA

Joni, Smokey Robinson and Lieber & Stoller were presented
with Lifetime Achievement Awards from the National Academy
of Songwriters. Joni also performed four songs accompanied
by drummer Brian Blade (drums) and Daryl Johnson (bass).

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  • Lifetime Achievement Award winner Joni Mitchell with NAS Executive Director Brett W. Perkins (left), and NAS President Jeff Barry. [Photo by Henry Diltz]
  • © Sherry Rayn Barnett, used with permission. For more information on this photograph, including purchase information, please visit <a href="http://sherrybarnettphotography.com/" target="_blank" class="white">Sherry's website</a>.
  • © Sherry Rayn Barnett, used with permission. For more information on this photograph, including purchase information, please visit <a href="http://sherrybarnettphotography.com/" target="_blank" class="white">Sherry's website</a>.
  • © Sherry Rayn Barnett, used with permission. For more information on this photograph, including purchase information, please visit <a href="http://sherrybarnettphotography.com/" target="_blank" class="white">Sherry's website</a>.


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randyremote on

I was a dues-paying member of the National Academy of Songwriters (now defunct), and had the opportunity to get tickets for a Lifetime Achievement Award dinner/ceremony, to be held 12-11-96. This would mean driving four hours to SF, and flying to LAX, which I did, taking a room at the Beverly Hilton, where the event was being held. Robert Klein, the comedian was talking to the front desk in his leather jacket. After checking into my room, I went in search of the ballroom, and to my shock, Joni and her band (Brian Blade & Darryl Johnson) were soundchecking. The place was unlit, almost empty, and filled with round tables, white tablecloths, and chairs. I slipped in, sat down at a table in the back, and tried to disappear into the shadows, watching and listening as they ran through their numbers. Until a cat came over, who turned out to be Brett Perkins, the CEO of NAS (that's him to the left of Joni in the B&W photo), actually a really nice guy; he said something like 'Joni doesn't want anybody in here', so I had to leave, oh no! But all was not lost, I spied a stairway in the hall, went up there, and heard the rest, although I could not see it. Later, the event: the other awardees that night were Smokey Robinson, who did not attend due to flu, and Lieber and Stoller. who entertained the crowd with funny stories and renditions of their famous tunes. Introducing them, a bearded guy with glasses walked by our table to the podium., It was Tom Petty. Also, O.C. Smith, of "Little Green Apples" fame sang the L&S classic "Stand By Me". At some point, just before a break, Joni walked past us, no doubt to get a drink and smoke; there was a little bar just across the open breezeway. Everyone else pretty much got up to stretch, too. I was standing on a little stairway that went up to the crowded bar, when Joni walked right past me, with two gentlemen, one on each arm, on her way back inside. It did not seem a good time to try to talk to her, She went back in, Graham Nash presented her award, she played four songs, wonderfully of course. The archives say they were "Just Like This Train", "Love Puts On A New Face", "Hejira", and "The Magdelene Laundries". There was a ticket option where, for $25 or something you could go to a champagne reception, the unstated implication being that Joni was going to be there. The 25 or so people waited around in this reception room, but it became clear that she was not coming. Still, met some nice songwriter types, and actress Sally Kellerman was there, too, like us, hoping to meet Joni.


National Academy of Songwriters Lifetime Achievement Award

On Wednesday evening, December 11, Joni, Smokey Robinson and Lieber & Stoller were presented with their Lifetime Achievement Awards from the National Academy of Songwriters. Smokey was ill and unable to attend the event but his old group The Miracles performed two of his songs and his ex-wife accepted the award for him. Tom Petty introduced Lieber & Stoller and a few of their songs were performed. Graham Nash gave a glowing introduction to Joni, and in her acceptance speech Joni said that this honor from fellow songwriters made her feel very humble, but that the feeling was difficult for her because she's usually so arrogant. She got a huge laugh for that statement. Joni then performed 4 songs: "Just Like This Train" and "Love Puts On A New Face," accompanied by her drummer Brian Blade and bassist Daryl Johnson from the Daniel Lanois band; "Hejira" with just Brian Blade; and a solo encore of "The Magdalene Laundries" accompanied by only her Parker Fly guitar and it's VG-8 computer brain hook-up.

Thanks to NAS Creative Director Dan Kimpel, Henry Diltz, Darrell Gilmour and Hank Linderman for their help with this page.