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An Open Letter to Spotify Print-ready version

A call from the global scientific and medical communities to implement a misinformation policy
January 28, 2022

On Dec. 31, 2021, the Joe Rogan Experience (JRE), a Spotify-exclusive podcast, uploaded a highly controversial episode featuring guest Dr. Robert Malone (#1757). The episode has been criticized for promoting baseless conspiracy theories and the JRE has a concerning history of broadcasting misinformation, particularly regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. By allowing the propagation of false and societally harmful assertions, Spotify is enabling its hosted media to damage public trust in scientific research and sow doubt in the credibility of data-driven guidance offered by medical professionals. JRE #1757 is not the only transgression to occur on the Spotify platform, but a relevant example of the platform's failure to mitigate the damage it is causing.

We are a coalition of scientists, medical professionals, professors, and science communicators spanning a wide range of fields such as microbiology, immunology, epidemiology, and neuroscience and we are calling on Spotify to take action against the mass-misinformation events which continue to occur on its platform. With an estimated 11 million listeners per episode, JRE is the world's largest podcast and has tremendous influence. Though Spotify has a responsibility to mitigate the spread of misinformation on its platform, the company presently has no misinformation policy.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Joe Rogan has repeatedly spread misleading and false claims on his podcast, provoking distrust in science and medicine. He has discouraged vaccination in young people and children, incorrectly claimed that mRNA vaccines are "gene therapy," promoted off-label use of ivermectin to treat COVID-19 (contrary to FDA warnings), and spread a number of unsubstantiated conspiracy theories. In episode #1757, Rogan hosted Dr. Robert Malone, who was suspended from Twitter for spreading misinformation about COVID-19. Dr. Malone used the JRE platform to further promote numerous baseless claims, including several falsehoods about COVID-19 vaccines and an unfounded theory that societal leaders have "hypnotized" the public. Many of these statements have already been discredited. Notably, Dr. Malone is one of two recent JRE guests who has compared pandemic policies to the Holocaust. These actions are not only objectionable and offensive, but also medically and culturally dangerous.

The average age of JRE listeners is 24 years old and according to data from Washington State, unvaccinated 12-34 year olds are 12 times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID than those who are fully vaccinated. Dr. Malone's interview has reached many tens of millions of listeners vulnerable to predatory medical misinformation. Mass-misinformation events of this scale have extraordinarily dangerous ramifications. As scientists, we face backlash and resistance as the public grows to distrust our research and expertise. As educators and science communicators, we are tasked with repairing the public's damaged understanding of science and medicine. As physicians, we bear the arduous weight of a pandemic that has stretched our medical systems to their limits and only stands to be exacerbated by the anti-vaccination sentiment woven into this and other episodes of Rogan's podcast.

This is not only a scientific or medical concern; it is a sociological issue of devastating proportions and Spotify is responsible for allowing this activity to thrive on its platform. We, the undersigned doctors, nurses, scientists, and educators thus call on Spotify to immediately establish a clear and public policy to moderate misinformation on its platform.


Adriana Sosa, DO: Medical Resident 

Adrianna Tseretopoulos, MBBS, MRCGP: Physician

Alexis Paulson, MSN, APRN: Nurse Practitioner

Alie Ward: Host/Science Correspondent, Ologies Podcast

Allison Myers, MD, MPH: Nurse Practitioner

Allison Neitzel, MD: Physician

Alyssa Fears, PhD, MPH&TM: Postdoctoral Fellow; University of Texas Medical Branch

Anand Swaminathan, MD, MPH: Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine, St. Joseph's University Medical Center

Andrea Love, PhD: Immunologist/Microbiologist

Andrei Mayer, PhD: Assistant Professor, Federal University of Santa Catarina

Andrew Bauman, MD: Medical Faculty; Geisle School of Medicine at Dartmouth

Angela Lindsay, AGPCNP: Nurse Practitioner

Angharad Ames, MD: Chief Resident, University of California Riverside

Anita Patel, MD: Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Childrens National Medical Center

Anna Stovall, PhD: Associate Medical Writer

April English, MPH: Science Correspondent, Unbiased Science Podcast

Arden Heath: Clinical Microbiology MS Student

AS Richards: Research Fellow, Science Communicator

Asher Williams, PhD: Presidential Postdoctoral Fellow, Cornell University

Ashim Ahuja, MD: Physician

Ashley Pacheco, MSN, APRN, FNP-BC: Nurse Practitioner

Atoosa Kourosh, MD, MPH: Clinical Faculty, Arkansas College of Osteopathic Medicine

Autumn Schuster, MSW, LCSW: Licensed Clinical Social Worker, University of California Irvine

Avisha NessAiver, MS: Chief Science Officer

Azad Gucwa, PhD, MT(ASCP): Assistant Professor; Farmingdale State College

Azizul Rehman, MD: Interventional Cardiologist

Azza Gadir, PhD: Immunologist

Baptiste Lacoste, PhD: Assistant Professor, University of Ottawa

Barry Jarvis, MD: Attending Physician

Ben Rein, PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow, Stanford University

Benjamin Steinberg, PsyD: Psychologist

Bianca Patel, MD, MPH: Pediatrician

Blair Bentley, PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Bnar Talabani, MBBCh: Clinical Nephrologist

Boris Tezak, PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow, Duke University Medical Center

Breann Abernathy, PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Minnesota

Brianna Soreth, MA: Clinical Research Coordinator

Bridget Scallen, MS: Editor, Unbiased Science Podcast

Cara Grome, MD: Psychiatrist

Cara L Santa Maria, MS, MA: Psychotherapist, PhD Candidate, Cedars Sinai Medical Center

Carl Nathan, MD: Professor, Weill Cornell Medicine

Carrie Ingersoll-Wood: PhD Candidate, Syracuse University

Cassandre Gousse, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse

Chelsea Matos, MSN, FNP-C: Family Nurse Practitioner

Christian Capitini, MD: Associate Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Christine Garvey, DVM: Associate Veterinarian

Christopher McMillan, PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow, The University of Queensland

Colleen Trecartin-Frost, DMD: Dentist

Courtney Kennedy, MS, PA-C: Physician Assistant

Crissi Stokes, DHSc: Professor

Crystal Pawula, MSN: Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner

Cydney Jardine, MPH: Epidemiological Researcher, Colorado State University

Daniel Anthony Barone, MD: Associate Professor of Clinical Neurology; Weill Cornell Medicine

Daniel Wilson, PhD: Analytical Scientist

Danielle Jones, MD, FACOG: Consultant

Danielle Levitt, PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center

David Craig, MD: Emergency Medicine Physician

David Levine, MA: Writer/Researcher, Johns Hopkins University

David Stukus, MD: Professor of Pediatrics, Division of Allergy and Immunology, Nationwide Childrens Hospital and The Ohio State University College of Medicine

Dee Chohan, MBBChir, FACEM: Staff Specialist in Emergency Medicine

Divya Ramjee, MS: PhD Candidate, Adjunct Professor, American University

Dorothy Zahor, MS: Eastern Michigan University

Eden Maness, MA: Psychiatry Research Fellow, Harvard Medical School

Elisabeth Marnik, PhD: Assistant Professor of Molecular Biochemistry and Microbiology

Elissa Tremblay, MSN: Nurse Practitioner

Elizabeth Cebul, PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow

Elizabeth Delery, PhD: Assistant Professor, Marian University

Elle Michel, LMFT: Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

Emily Cheng, BSN, RN, CCRN-CSC: ICU Nurse

Emily Scott, RN, BSN: Registered Nurse

Emma Fite-Wassilak, MD: Family Physician

Eric Burnett, MD, MBS: Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine

Eric Topol, MD: Professor and EVP, Scripps Research

Erica Wilson, PharmD, BCPS: Assistant Professor, Notre Dame of MD University School of Pharmacy

Erin MacMillan, PA: Physician Associate

Esther Sandoval, MSc: Associate Professor, College of the Sequoias

Ethan Chapin, MD: Emergency Physician

Forrest Valkai: Masters Student, University of Tulsa

Flyne Anderson, RN, BSN: Registered Nurse

Francis Barany, PhD: Professor, Weill Cornell Medicine

Gabriel Evaristo, MD: Obstetrician-Gynecologist

Gabrielle Hood, MD: Staff Physician

Georgina Morley, PhD

Glen Pyle, PhD: Professor, University of Guelph

Gregory Baker, MD: Attending Anesthesiologist

Haley Amplo: Graduate Researcher, Rutgers University Newark

Hayley Dewey-Hagborg, MS: Associate Scientist

Heather Caslin, PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow, Vanderbilt University

Heather Irobunda, MD: Attending Physician

Imogen R Coe, PhD: Professor, Ryerson University

Inna Kanevsky, PhD: Professor, San Diego Mesa College

Jaclyn Steinbach, BVetMed MRCVS: Head of Veterinary Translational Medicine

Jaclyn Usuriello, RN, BSN: Research Nurse

Jaclyn Wolfe: Senior Biochemist

James Bradac, PhD: Former Chief, Preclinical R&D, Division of Aids, NIAID, NIH

Jason Prystowsky, MD, MPH: Emergency Physician

Jen Gunter, MD: Physician

Jen Nossokoff, PA-C: Physician Assistant

Jena Hales, PhD: Associate Professor of Neuroscience, University of San Diego

Jenna Lizewski, DNP, FNP-C: Family Nurse Practitioner

Jenna Meyers, MSN, CPNP: Emergency Medicine Nurse Practitioner

Jennifer Hickey: Senior Research Associate

Jennifer Lincoln, MD: Attending Physician

Jennifer Wenzel, PhD: Assistant Professor, University of San Diego

Jessica Malaty Rivera, MS: Infectious Disease Epidemiology Research Fellow, Boston Children's Hospital

Jessica Steier, DrPH: Public Health Scientist

Jessica Stokes-Parish, PhD, RN, MNurs: Assistant Professor of Medicine, Bond University

Jessie Brown, PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow, Columbia University

Jilyan Decker, MD: Resident Physician

Joan Chandra, MD: Instructor in Medicine, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center

Johanna Hild, DO: Resident Physician

John Brownstein, PhD: Professor, Harvard Medical School

John P Moore, PhD: Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, Weill Cornell Medicine

Jonathan Alessi: MD/PhD Candidate

Jonathan Jarry, MSc: Science Correspondent, McGill University

Jonathan Laxton, MD, FRCPC: Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of Manitoba

Jonathan N Stea, PhD: Clinical Psychologist, Adjust Assistant Professor, University of Calgary

Joseph Osmundson, PhD: Clinical Assistant Professor, New York University

Joseph Zundell, PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Pennsylvania

Juan R Cubillos-Ruiz, PhD: Associate Professor of Immunology, Weill Cornell Medicine

Justin Trotter, PhD: Instructor, Stanford University

Justyna Kulpa, PhD: Senior Scientist

Kaitlyn Gooding, MD: Medical Resident

Karen Nguyen: Public Health Microbiologist, Cal State University Fullerton

Karen Tang, MD, MPH: Senior Physician

Karl Nadolsky, DO: Endocrinologist, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Michigan State University

Katie Ruschman, RN, BSN: Nurse                      

Katie Stiles, PhD: Assistant Professor of Research, Weill Cornell Medicine

Katrine L Wallace, PhD: Epidemiologist, Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health

Kayla A Nichols, PharmD: Clinical Pharmacy Specialist, Emory University

Kirsta Hoffman, MD: Physician

Korinne Bricker: COVID-19 Laboratory Supervisor

Kristen Watt, RPh: Pharmacist

Kristin Fontes, MD: Emergency Medicine Physician

Lace Riggs, PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow; Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Lara Lambert, MD: Physician

Laur Rubino, PhD

Laura Dees, BSN, MS, APRN, CRNA

Laura Hlohinec, RN: Registered Nurse

Lauren Bello-Matricaria, MPH: Clinical Research Monitor

Laren Seserko, OTR/L

Leah Steinberg: Medical Student

Lexi Goldstein, MD: Medical Resident

Lia Griffiths, PsyD: Psychologist

Lindsey Shultz, MD: Public Health Advisor

Lisa Boone, PA-C: Physician Assistant

Lisle Winston, MD: Medical Resident

Loralee Richter, PA-C, MS: Physician Assistant

Lorna Tychostup, MS: Senior Communications Consultant, NYU

Maddy Lewis, MPH: Infectious Disease Epidemiologist

Madelyn Pecyne, PA-C:Physician Assistant

Maike Neuhaus, PhD: Honorary Research Fellow, University of Queensland

Mallory Harris: PhD Student, Stanford University

Marcia Miller, MD: Physician

Maren Abromowitz, MSN: Family Nurse Practitioner

Maria Victoria Dreher Wentz, MSc: Science Communicator

Marie-Helene Lofland ANP-BC, CCRN, NEA: Nurse Practitioner

Mary Colasanto, PhD: Clinical Genomic Scientist

Mauricio Gonzales-Arias, MD: Attending Physician

Megan Hanley, NAR: Nursing Assistant

Melanie Evans Jakle, MSc: Research Scientist

Melissa Aswad, MPAS, PA-C: Physician Assistant

Merridee Lefner, PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Texas at San Antonio

Michael Aptman, MD: Professor, University of Miami School of Medicine

Michael LaFontaine, PhD: Professor of Medical Biochemistry, Marian University COM

Michael Lederman, MD: Professor of Medicine (Emeritus), Case Western Reserve University

Michael Natter, MD: Endocrinology Fellow

Michelle Krogsgaard, PhD: Associate Professor, New York University School of Medicine

Milene Vandal, PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Calgary

Mirella Salvatore, MD: Assistant Professor of Medicine, Weill Cornell Medicine

Miriam Merad, MD, PhD: Director, Precision Immunology Institute, Mount Sinai School of Medicine

Mirvat Termos, MPH: PhD Student

Moira Rashid, MD, MPH

Molly Nowels: PhD Candidate, Rutgers School of Public Health

Monique L. Smith, PhD: Assistant Professor of Neuroscience, University of San Diego

Morgan Freney: PhD Candidate, University of Queensland

Natalie Soto, MSc: Science Teacher

Natasha Bolotinsky, MD: Attending Physician

Navinder Jassil, MD: Endocrinologist

Neil Harrison, PhD: Professor, Columbia University

Nils-Petter Rudqvist, PhD: Assistant Professor

Nini Muñoz, PhD: Senior Design Engineer

Océane Sorel, DVM, PhD

Olivia Grant: PhD Student

Pascal S.C. Juang, MD: Physician, Former Chief Resident at Harvard Emergency Medicine

Paul Ian Cross, MSc, PhD: Clinical Research Consultant

Poorvi Desai, MD: Hematologist/Oncologist

Pushpendra Patel, MS, MD: Medical Student

Rachael Zemek, PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Western Australia

Rachel Aslanian, BSN

Rachel Mirabai Moore Troll, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse

Rashmi Advani, MD, DABOM: Gastroenterology Fellow, Stony Brook University Hospital

Rayna Sobieski, MD: Attending Physician

Renee Cavanagh, PsyD: Subject Matter Expert, DHA

Risa Hoshino, MD: Pediatrician

Robert Duff, PhD: Clinical Neuropsychologist

Robin Hills, MMSci, MSRCS: Instructor, Shoreline Community College

Roger Nattrass, MD: Anesthesiologist

Romy Blacklaw, RN, IPN: Registered Nurse

Roshni Rao, PhD: Director, Johns Hopkins University

Ruben Diaz, DNP, FNP-BC: Nurse Practitioner

Ryan Marino, MD: Assistant Professor, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine

Sabina Vohra-Miller, MSc: DrPH Student

Sallie Permar, MD, PhD: Professor and Chair of Pediatrics, Weill Cornell Medicine

Samantha Yammine, PhD: Neuroscientist, University of Toronto

Samira Jeimy, MD, PhD, FRCPC: Program Director and Assistant Professor, Division of Clinical Immunology and Allergy, Western University

Sampril Banerjee, PhD, MStat: Associate Professor, Weill Cornell Medicine

Samuel Cohn, MD: Neurologist

Sandra Demaria, MD: Professor of Radiation Oncology and Pathology, Weill Cornell Medicine

Sara Gering, RN, BSN: Registered Nurse

Sara Pentlicky, MD, MPH: Chief, Division of Complex Family Planning

Sarah J McAnulty, PhD: Executive Director, Skype a Scientist, University of Connecticut

Sarah Perl, LCSW-R: Licensed Clinical Worker

Sasha Strul, MD: Pediatric Ophthalmologist and Strabismus Surgeon, University of Minnesota

Saskia Popescu, PhD, MPH, MA: Assistant Professor, George Mason University

Scott Fujimoto, DO: Assistant Professor, Loma Linda University

Sean Adwar, MD: Interventional Radiologist

Seth Trueger, MD, MPH, FACEP: Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

Seth Turner, MD: Physician

Shari K Moore, DO: Resident Physician

Shauna O'Neal, CNM, FNP-C, RN, MSN: Registered Nurse

Shawn Carbonell, MD, PhD

Sheridan Nygard, MPH: Behavioral Health Case Manager, University of Minnesota Twin Cities

Shoshana Ungerleider, MD: Internal Medicine / Host, TED Health Podcast

Silvia Chiara Formenti, MD: Professor, Weill Cornell Medicine

Sindhu Sathyanarayana, MBBS: Physician

Siyamak Saleh, MD: Medical Doctor, Department of Health South Africa

Spencer R Scott, PhD

Staci Tanouye, MD: Staff Physician

Stacey De-Lin, MD: Associate Medical Director

Steve Rathje: PhD Candidate

Stuart Horowitz, PhD, MBA: President and CEO, Institution Insights, LLC

Susanna Harris, PhD

Sushmita Mukherjee, PhD: Associate Professor of Research, Weill Cornell Medicine

Sydney Vita, PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow, Louisiana State University Health Sciences College

Tanya Lama, PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow, SUNY Stony Brook

Taylor Nichols, MD: Adjunct Assistant Clinical Professor, University of California San Francisco

Teagan Wall, PhD

Teresa Albernas, MSN: Nurse Practitioner

Terra Kater, MSN, AGNP-C: Nurse Practitioner

Tessa Cremer: MPH Student, University of Minnesota

Thierry Alquier, PhD: Associate Professor, University of Montreal

Timothy Caulfield: Professor, University of Alberta

Todd Wolynn, MD: Pediatrician

Troy Wood, PhD: Associate Professor, University at Buffalo

Tyler Kuhk, MN, ARNP, AGNP-C: Nurse Practitioner

Valentina Martinez Damonte, PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow, Stanford University

Veronica Certeza, RN: Nurse Practitioner

Victor Ruthig, PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow, Weill Cornell Medicine

Walter Ian Lipkin, MD: Professor, Columbia University

Wen H Shen, PhD: Associate Professor, Weill Cornell Medicine

Willem Hanekom, MBChB: Professor, University College London

William Giardino, PhD: Assistant Professor, Stanford University

William Hanage, PhD: Associate Professor, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Yasmin Mohseni, PhD

Yevgeniya Sergeyenko, MD, MPH: Medicine Fellow, Emory University School of Medicine

Zainab Tanvir, MS: PhD Student

Post-launch signees:

Abbie Champeeau, BSN: Registered Nurse, UW- Milwaukee

Abby Skoglund BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, University of MN Medical Center

Abigail Chapin RN, BSN: Nurse, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital

Abigail Jones, BSN: Registered Nurse, UTSW

Abigayle Hanna, MSN, RN: Registered Nurse, Ascension Saint Thomas

Adrianna Storbakken BSN, RN: Charge Nurse, Emory Healthcare

Alec Beal PT,DPT, CSCS: Physical Therapist, University of St Augustine

Alethea Anderson, RN BSN: Registered Nurse, Neopath Health

Alexa Hughes, BSN RN: Nurse

Alexa Utterback, BSN: Staff Nurse, Northwestern Medicine

Alexander Long, BSN: Registered Nurse, East Tennessee State University

Alexander Polidore, M.S. PhD(c): Research Scientist, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Alexandra Mullen, BSN: Registered Nurse, Point Loma Nazarene University

Alexandra Truzzi, BSN, RN: Critical Care Registered Nurse, Swedish Heath Services

Alexis Bonelli BSN RN: Registered Nurse

Alexis Fabian, RN, BSN: Registered Nurse, Providence Health

Alexis Hinkley, RN BSN: Registered Nurse, Lutheran Hospital

Ali Hachem, M.D.: Physician, MyMichigan

Ali Reese, RN: Registered Nurse, Mercy Hospital

Ali Rice RN BSN: Registered Nurse, Rady Childrens

Alice Stead, MPH: Senior Manager, Gilead Sciences

Alicia Fischer, RN-BSN: Registered Nurse, University Health

Alicia Swenson, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, SMCS

Alison Edgar BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, Providence St. Vincent's

Alison Kline, RN BSN: Registered Nurse, Kettering Health

Alissa Gladson, RN, BSN: Registered Nurse, Methodist

Allegra Liedtke, MS, CCC-SLP: Speech-Language Pathologist

Alli Brown, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, Wake Forest

Allison Aylard BSN, RN: Emergency Department Registered Nurse, Aya Healthcare

Allison Clark Young, MSN, APRN, CPNP, IBCLC: Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, Erie Family Health Centers

Allison Falconer, RN, BSN: ICU Registered Nurse, MetroWest Medical Center

Allison Hubert RN-BSN: Registered Nurse, Tennessee Tech University

Allison Lantz CPNP: Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, Akron Children’s Hospital

Allison Smith RN BSN: Staff RN, Ochsner in New Orleans

Alvie Marie Sumalbag, RN, BSN: Resource RN, Seattle University

Alyssa Brysiak, BSN: Registered Nurse, Widener University

Alyssa DeMaagd RN, BSN: Registered Nurse, Orthopaedic Associates of Michigan

Alyssa Jensen, MHS, PA-C: Physician Assistant, University of Washington

Alyssa May, BScN: Registered Nurse, The Ottawa Hospital

Alyssa Tarr, PA-S: Physician Assistant student, Mount Union University

Amanda Alexander RN: Registered Nurse, Augusta University Medical Center

Amanda B RN BSN: Professional Nurse II, Northern Light Health

Amanda Baker, MS: Senior Data Coordinator, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

Amanda Bales, RN-BSN: Registered Nurse, Piedmont College

Amanda Clark, PhD: Senior Program Director, In Vitro, Biomere

Amanda Devereaux RN BSN: Registered Nurse

Amanda Ellis PT, DPT, NCS: Senior Physical Therapist, Shirley Ryan Ability Lab

Amanda Garner, MSW, LCSW-C: Psychotherapist

Amanda Hostetter, BSN: Registered Nurse, OHSU Hospital

Amanda Jones Theodorson, DMD: Assistant Dental Director of Innovation and Research, Unity Health Care Inc, Washington DC

Amanda Lebright, MMS, PA-C: Physician Assistant

Amanda McCartney, BSN: Registered Nurse, Pennsylvania College of Technology

Amanda Patey BSN: Registered Nurse/Regulatory Specialist

Amanda Post, PT, DPT: Physical Therapist, Wayne State University

Amanda Schimke, RN BSN: Registered Nurse, MultiCare

Amanda Taggart, RN: Nurse, Bon Secours

Amanda Thompson, MSN: Registered Nurse, Dell Children's Medical Center

Amber Allen BSN, RN: Nurse, Edward Hospital

Amber Palermo, BSN RN: Registered Nurse, Tacoma General

Amber Rayner, BScN: Registered Nurse

Amelia Hoard, RN-ASN: Nursing Supervisor, Life Care Centers of America

Amie Archibald-Varley, RN, MN-CP Women's Health: Quality and Patient Safety Lead- Emergency Services, University of Toronto

Amie Tawney, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, The Johns Hopkins Hospital

Amira Athanasios, MD: Psychiatry Resident

Amy Browne DO: Physician, Family Practice

Amy Hoffman, BSN: Registered Nurse, Eskenazi

Amy Parsons, RN: Registered Nurse, Flexcare Medical Staffing

Amy Sylvester, RN: Registered Nurse, Cedars-Sinai

Amy Thomas, M.Ed: Science Coach, SCPS

Amy Visciglia, M.A. CCC-SLP: Speech Language Pathologist, Loma Linda University Medical Center

Ana Reed, RN BSN: Registered Nurse, Peace Health SouthWest, Providence Portland, Legacy Salmon Creek

Anastasia Ryan, RN: Registered Nurse

Andrea Craig, RN, BSN: Registered Nurse, Northwest Medical Center

Andrea Renteria, BSN: Registered Nurse, St. Luke's Medical Center

Andrea Speizer, MPA: Hospital Ops Manager, Baycare Health System

Andrea Wallace, BSN: Registered Nurse, Methodist Hospital

Andrew Greenwalt, BSN: Registered Nurse, Washington State University

Angela Park, DO: Physician, Sound Physicians

Angela Van De Wettering, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, Aurora BayCare

Angela Vezzetti, PA-C: Physician Assistant, OSF

Angela Zaino, PhD: Research Scientist I, Broad Institute

Ankush K Bansal, MD, FACP, FACPM, SFHM: Vol Clinical Assistant Professor, Florida International University

Anna Ficken BSN: Registered Nurse, UW Health

Anna Leviyeva, BSN: Registered Nurse, Dignity Health

Anna Meier, PharmD: Pharmacist, Advocate Aurora Health

Anna Rudeen, BSN: Registered Nurse, Bethel University

Anna Schmitt BSN: Registered Nurse, Mayo Clinic

Anna Schwietering, BS, BSN: Registered Nurse, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, University of Cincinnati Medical Center

Annabel Shabestari, RN, BSN: Registered Nurse, California State University Long Beach Alum

Anne Haskins, RN: Registered Nurse, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

Anne Ossewaarde, LMSW, SSW: School Social worker, Avondale School District

Annette R Rexroad, MPH, PhD: Retired Epidemiologist, University of Vermont

Anngilyn Dombrowski, RN: Registered Nurse, Travel Nurse

Annie Nascimbeni, MSN, RN: Registered Nurse, OU Health

Aoife O Neill, BSN, RN: Registered General Nurse, TCD

April LaRue, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse

Arezou Zekri, BSN RN: Pediatric Registered Nurse, Thrive SPC

Arien Rannigan, RN II: RN, CPN, Medical University of South Carolina

Ashleigh Clickett D.O.: Physician, Valley Health Systems, Inc.

Ashley Andrisani, BScN: Registered Nurse, CNO

Ashley Bonham, BSN: Registered Nurse, COVID ICU

Ashley Brandenburg, MPH: Public Health Analyst, RTI International

Ashley Coates, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, Central New Mexico College

Ashley Ginty, RN: Registered Nurse, University of Minnesota

Ashley Kamm, BSN: Registered Nurse, University of New Mexico Hopsital

Ashley Lantto, RN: Registered Nurse

Ashley LaPaglia, RN: Registered Nurse, NRI

Ashley Marquardt, BS: PhD Candidate, Neuroscience, University of Maryland School of Medicine

Ashley Masih, BSN RN: Registered Nurse, Cardiac ICU, Bellevue Hospital

Ashley Mitton, PsyD: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Massachusetts Medical School

Ashley Nowell, ASN: Registered Nurse

Ashley Peterson, MSN: Registered Nurse

Ashley Sheffield, BSN RN: Registered Nurse

Ashli Winegar, BSN: Registered Nurse, Huntsman Cancer Hospital

Aubrey Lundberg, BSN: Registered Nurse, Mayo Clinic Florida

Audra Storm, MD: Resident Physician, Mayo Clinic

Audrey Harvey, M.Sc.: PhD Student, Biological Sciences, Northern Arizona University

Austin Galli, BSN: Registered Nurse, Massachusetts General Hospital

Autumn Johnson, MHS, PA-C: Physician Assistant, Quinnipiac University

Autumn Moon, BSN: Registered Nurse, Community Memorial Hospital

Aylmer Pinangay, BScN, RN: Registered Nurse

Bailey Johnson, RN, BSN: Nurse, Denver Health

Barbara Jacome, BSN, RN-BC: ICU Registered Nurse, Northwell Mather Hospital

Beatriz Velasco, RN, BSN: Registered Nurse, Lucile Packard Children's Hospital

Becca Berndt, BSN RN: Registered Nurse, Overlake Medical Center

Bertha Hidalgo, PhD MPH: Epidemiologist, University of Alabama at Birmingham

Beth Hanna, M.S. SLP: Speech Language Pathologist, Beech Street Speech and Language

Beth Hoeksema, BSN RN: Nurse, Spectrum Health

Bethany Emery, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, UTMB MSN Student

Beverly Slokevage RN BSN: Registered Nurse, Sutter Health

Bianca Patel, MD MPH: Pediatrician, Locum Tenens

Bianca Williams, BScN, MScPH: Public Health Nurse

Billie Jo Nielsen, RN: Registered Nurse, Mayo Clinic Hospital

Bobbi Van Gilder, PhD.: Assistant Professor, Suffolk University

Bonnie Matras RN, BSN: Registered Nurse, Chamberlain College of Nursing

Bonnita Kaschuba, BScN: Registered Nurse, ICU, McMaster University

Brandy Jackson BSN RN: Step Down Unit RN, Sharp Grossmont Hospital

Brennaa Sullivan, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, HVHS

Brian Tsai, MD: Physician, Vancouver

Briana Shields, RN: Registered Nurse

Brianna Duxbury, RN: Registered Nurse, University of Vermont Medical Center

Britnie Thomas, PhD (immunology): Scientist, Industry

Brittani Johnson BSN, RN: PICU Registered Nurse, Rasmussen University

Brittany Bogdanovich, RN BSN: Registered Nurse, Kaiser Permanente

Brittany Boren, BSN: Registered Nurse, St. Luke’s Health System

Brittany Burroughs, RN BSN: Registered Nurse, FSU

Brittney Peebles, BScN: Registered Nurse, AHS

Brooke Manni, BSN RN: Registered Nurse, Grand Valley State University

Brooke Sperling, BA, BN, RN: Registered Nurse, Alberta Health Services

Brooklynn BSN: Registered Nurse

Bryan Samuelson, DPT: Physical Therapist, Intermountain Healthcare

Bryanna Stranieri, BSN: Registered Nurse, Westchester Medical Center

Bryanne Rushing, BSN: Registered Nurse, Seattle Children’s Hospital

Brynn Weimer, DPT: Physical Therapist, Movement Physical Therapy

Caitlin Castillo, BSN: Critical Care Staff Nurse, Oregon Health & Science University

Caitlin Davis, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, University of Utah

Caitlin Dwyer, RN BSN: Registered Nurse, Froedtert Hospital

Caitlin Langsner H.BSc RRT: Respiratory Therapist, Trillium Health Partners, Hamilton Health Sciences

Caleb B. Hentges, DO: Pediatric Physician, Oklahoma State University

Candice Dodd, RN: Registered Nurse, HCA

Candice Richardson, MPH: Research Analyst, University of Toronto

Carissa Mirra, MS, RN, ONC: Registered Nurse, HH

Carla Parker, BSN RN: Relief Charge Nurse, SSM Health St. Anthony

Carlie Seliger, BSN: Registered Nurse, University of Utah

Carly Reising, PA-C: Physician Assistant, Spectrum Health

Carlyn Kitt BSN: Registered Nurse

Carlyn Murray, MSc: Research Assistant, University of Manchester

Carmen Solis, LCSW: Región Clinic Director, Alma Family Services

Caroline Dixon, RN: Registered Nurse

Caroline Foster, RN: Registered Nurse, NYU

Caroline Jezierski RN, BSN: Registered Nurse, Legacy Health

Carolyn Rohwer, RN, BSN: RN, BSN, University of Washington

Carrie Jenkins, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, Boston Children's Hospital

Casey Bryan, BSN RN PCCN: Registered Nurse (Acute Care), Travel Nurse

Casey Schumacher, RN, BSN, C-EFM: Registered Nurse, BayCare Health System

Cassandra Williams-Doshi, BSN: Registered Nurse, UT Arlington

Cassidy Tripi BSN RN: Registered Nurse, Kaleida Health

Cassie Hanan, BSN: Registered Nurse, UCHEALTH

Catherine Claire Hughes, RN: Registered Nurse, Trinity College Dublin

Catherine Dottel, RN BSN: Registered Nurse, Crystal Run healthcare

Catherine Payson, BSN RN: Registered Nurse, TotalMed Staffing

Cathy Chen, Pharm.D.: Pharmacist, Kaiser Permanente

Chanel Lain RN: Registered Nurse, University of St. Francis

Chantel Gineo, LPC: Professional Counselor

Charisma Lanez, DO: Physician, CSMC

Charles Friderici, RRT: Respiratory Therapist, Emergency Manager, Saratoga Hospital

Charlsie Wolfe RN, BSN, CCRN: Critical Care Registered Nurse, Auburn University

Chelsea Coons, RN: Registered Nurse – NICU, Banner Health

Chelsea Deans, BSN: Registered Nurse, University of Washington

Chelsea MacDonald, DPT: Physical Therapist, Trinity Health

Chelsea Nyland, RN: Registered Nurse, Nipissing University

Chelsee Pease, DPT: Physical Therapist, Adjunct Professor, Oklahoma Christian University

Chera Morrow, BSN, RN: RN, Clinical Professor, RCTC

Cheryl Morrison Wall, PA-C: Physician Assistant

Cheryl Santefort RN: School Nurse

Cheryl Shaver BScPharm, CTE: Pharmacist, Winnipeg Regional Health Authority

Chloe Nadon-Tasse BSN BA RN: Quality Analyst

Christina Kim, NP: Nurse Practitioner

Christine Griffaw RN: Staff Nurse, UCSF

Christine Labiak MS, RPh: Pharmacist

Christine Pegg LPN: Licensed Practical Nurse

Christy Farris, RN BSN: Registered Nurse

Christy Wolff RN BSN: Registered Nurse, Providence

Chrisy Wong, MSN, RN: Registered Nurse, SFDPH

Chrystal Light, BSN: Registered Nurse, CHLA

Chrystie Paul, BSN: Registered Nurse, Loyola University

Cindy Barha, PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of British Columbia

Cindy Gold, RN: Registered Nurse, Spring Arbor University

Cindy Knapp, BSN: Registered Nurse, LPCHS

Cinthia Uriarte, RN, BSN: Registered Nurse, St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center

Claire Prestbo, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, Seattle Pacific University

Claire Smith, RN, MN/NP (c): Registered Nurse, University of Toronto

Claire Tsui, MSN, RN: Registered Nurse, Cedars-Sinai Health System

Claribel Nunez, PhD: Scientist, SanBio

Claudette Banares, MS, CCC-SLP: Senior Speech Pathologist, AHGL Medical Center

Claudia Matthews, MSHCA: Supervisor – Quality Improvement/Credentialing, John Muir Health

Claudia McGaughan, BSN: Registered Nurse – ER

Claudia Uribe RN BSN: Registered Nurse

Cleo Sunseri, MSN: Surgical Staff RN, Legacy Health

Colleen Roe, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, Main Line Health

Courtney Battin, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, UPMC Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh

Courtney Bussian, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, CHOP

Courtney Hakes, BSN RN: Registered Nurse, Texas Health Resources

Courtney Hoster BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, Northern Illinois University

Courtney Liberman BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, The Hospital for Sick Children

Courtney Patriacca, DPT: Physical Therapist, Cambridge Public Schools

Courtney Price, RN, BSN: Pediatric ICU RN

Courtney Sutter, RN, BSN, CCRN: Registered Nurse

Crystal Shutt Garcia, PTA: Physical Therapist Assistant, Providence

Cynthia Cruz, RN: Registered Nurse, NYCHHC

Cynthia Rochen, BSN, BSAG: Retired Clinical Research Nurse (RN-C), National Institutes of Health Clinical Center

D. Michelle Glover, BSN, RN-C: Registered Nurse, Touro LCMC

Dae Young, BSN: Registered Nurse, Grant Hospital

Dana Ruminski Lowe, PhD: Principal Scientist, LGC Clinical Diagnostics

Dana Shaw, BSN: Nurse, Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Daniel Coburn, RN: Registered Nurse

Daniel Giese, RN: Registered Nurse, Grand Valley State University

Daniel Melby, DPT: Senior Physical Therapist, UT MD Anderson Cancer Center

Daniela Lawler, BSN RN: Registered Nurse Vaccinator, Northern Colorado Vaccine Clinic

Danielle Becerra, RN, IBCLC: Registered Nurse, UCSD

Danielle Brandow, MSc Public Health: Policy Analyst, Public Health Agency of Canada

Danielle DeVries BScN: Registered Nurse, Intensive Care, Brant Community Healthcare System

Danielle Grieves BScN: Registered Nurse, Queensway Carleton hospital

Danielle Hawkes RN, BSN: Registered Nurse, Hope College

Danielle Howes, BSN: Registered Nurse, Harborview Medical Center

Danielle Randall, RN: Registered Nurse – Medical/Surgical, Dignity Health

Danielle Rice, MSc, PhD (C): Psychology Resident, McGill University

Danielle Sanchez, RN BSN: Nurse, USC

Danielle Scambary, Bachelor of Applied Science (Podiatry): Podiatrist, Western Sydney Podiatry

Danika Dawson, BSN, RN: Cardiac Stepdown RN, HCA Healthcare

Dari Goldman, MPH: Senior Public Health Specialist

David Milbourn, MD: Pediatrician, Novant Health

David Ostberg, PhD: Solutions Principal, Medallia, Inc.

Davina Hoang, BSN: Registered Nurse, University of Massachusetts Boston

Dawn Gusa, RN: Registered Nurse, Alberta Health Services

Debany Ransom, BSN RN: Clinical Coach Consultant, CVS Health/Aetna

Deirbhle Breslin BNurs: Specialist Nurse, MFT

Denee DiPilla George, PT, DPT: Pediatric Physical Therapist, Children's Hospital Orange County

Denise M. Pruneda, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse

Denise Nadolski, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, Oklahoma Heart Hospital

Dennis Maiuri, RN: Cardiac Nurse, Overlook Medical Center

Desiree Castonguay, PAC: Physician Assistant, Southern Illinois Healthcare

Dina Devoe, PharmD: Pharmacist, HealthAlliance Hospital in Kingston, NY

Dr Alessandra Palombo BHSc MD CCFP: Associate Clinical Professor, McMaster University

Dylan Brooks-Forseth, BSRT, RCP, RRT-NPS: Respiratory Therapist/ECMO Specialist, UnityPoint

Eileen Hurley MSN, RN: Registered Nurse, Northwestern Medicine

Elena Weaver, BSN, RN: Nurse, Mayo Clinic Rochester MN

Eliette Albrecht, MPH: Research Assistant, King’s College London

Elisa Seldon, PharmD: Pharmacist, VCU

Elissa Pettinato PA-C, MMS: Physician Assistant, Salus

Elizabet Zapata Roman, BSN: Registered Nurse, LLUMC

Elizabeth Augustine, MSN, RN: Registered Nurse, Tenet Health

Elizabeth Ball, RN, BSN: Staff Nurse, UT Southwestern Medical Center

Elizabeth Brown MSN, CRNP: Pediatric Nurse Practitioner

Elizabeth Collora RN: Nurse, Howard County, MD

Elizabeth Davis, BSN RN: RN Research Associate, The University of Texas at Austin Dell Medical School

Elizabeth Garcia, BSN RN: Registered Nurse, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital

Elizabeth Halbert RN BSN TCRN: Registered Nurse, University of South Carolina

Elizabeth Hamill, BSN: Nurse, UNM

Elizabeth Lassen, DO: Psychiatrist/Assistant Professor, Hines/LUMC

Elizabeth Lyons, MSN RN: Staff Nurse, University of Chicago Medical Center

Elizabeth Placzek MD: Physician

Elizabeth Rice, RN: Registered Nurse-ICU, Medical Solutions

Elizabeth Seibel, BSN: Registered Nurse, University of Wisconsin Hospital

Elizabeth Tempest, BSN: Staff RN, UCHEALTH

Elizabeth Van Nest BSN, RN, CCRN, CPN: Registered Nurse, Rady Children's Hospital

Elizabeth Walker, RRT: Respiratory Therapist, Tulane University Medical Center

Elizabeth Zook, RN: Registered Nurse, Carilion Clinic

Ellen Davis, RN: Clincal Nurse, University of California

Ellen MacGregor, RN, BScN, CNCCP(C): Staff Nurse, IWK Health

Ellen Oh, BSN: Registered Nurse, California State University, Los Angeles

Ellen Tiegs, RN: Registered Nurse, Minnesota Gastroenterology

Ellyn Gunya, RN BSN: Nurse, CMH

Elsa Vera, BSN: Registered Nurse, HCA Healthcare

Elyse Chezick, BSN: Registered Nurse, Allina Health

Emelia Stille, DO: Physician, USD

Emiko Ellis, PA-S: Physician Assistant, Colorado Mesa

Emily Armantrout, BSN: Registered Nurse, Regis University

Emily Ballantyne RN, BSN: ICU Registered Nurse, Johns Hopkins University

Emily Bordeleau, MSc: PhD Candidate, McMaster University

Emily Carter, BSN, RN: ICU Registered Nurse, Maine Medical Center

Emily Cooper, BSN: Registered Nurse

Emily Livingston, MA: PhD Candidate (Neuropsychology), Simon Fraser University

Emily Moyer, RN, BSN: Registered Nurse, French Hospital Medical Center, San Luis Obispo, CA

Emily Rolader, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, WELLSTAR KENNESTONE

Emily Smith, BSN RN: Nurse, Penn Medicine

Emily Tichacek BSN RN: Registered Nurse, Surgical Care Affiliates/Texas Health Resources

Emily Winn, DNP: Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, University of Washington

Emma Goldberg BSN: Nurse, Swedish First Hill

Emma Salmon MSN: Registered Nurse, St Catherine University

Enrica Calzoni, MD PhD: Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Columbia University

Erica Cooley, RN: Registered Nurse, Banner Hospital

Erica Hadley, MD: Pediatrician, UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital Oakland

Erica Knowles, PhD: Associate Professor, Berklee College of Music

Erica Schuh, RN: Registered Nurse, SVSU

Erica Zorn, RN: Registered Nurse, Cottage Health

Ericka Santos BSN: Registered Nurse

Erika Anderson, MD: Pediatrician, MUSC and Parkside Pediatrics

Erika Wass, PharmD, BCOP: Stem Cell Transplant Clinical Pharmacist, Loma Linda University Health

Erin Goodwin, RN: Registered Nurse, TMH

Erin McIntosh, BSN: Assistant Professor, Riverside Community Hospital

Erin Nanzer, DPT: Physical Therapist, Sutter Medical Foundation

Erin Pardee, MSPAS: Physician Assistant

Erin Phillips, MPH, RD, CDCES: Registered Dietitian, Erin Phillips Nutrition, LLC

Erin Sheridan, BSN: Registered Nurse, Seattle Children's Hospital

Erin Timmins, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, CSULB

Erin Welsh, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, University of Washington

Ester Mortagua, BSN (RN): Nurse, CHLO Portugal

Esther Hanson, ADN: Registered Nurse, ER, Memorial Health System

Evalyn Donaldson, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, Student Family Nurse Practitioner, CHLA, USC

Eve Hatkoff, RN, BSN: Staff Nurse, University of Maryland Baltimore Washington Medical Center

Evie Merritt, BSN: Registered Nurse, Washington Hospital Healthcare System

Fabiola Harris, BSN: Registered Nurse, Rasmussen University

Fatima Mohammed, ADN, RN, CMSRN: Registered Nurse

Francesca Testani BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, The Hospital for Sick Children

Gabby Anderson RN: Registered Nurse

Gabriella Cardi PA-C, MHS: Physician Assistant, Duke university

Gabriella Lacovetti, B.S.: Scientist I, Labcorp

Gabrielle Akcelik, BSN: Registered Nurse

Gabrielle Nedrow, RN, BSN: Travel ICU RN, University of Chicago Medicine

Gemma Varacalli, BScN: Registered Nurse, Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario

Gen Maxam, ADN: Nurse, San Joaquin Delta College

Geneva King, DO: Primary Care Doctor, Washington DC VA Medical Center

Geneva Roch, BSN: Registered Nurse, Texas A&M

George Idarraga MD: Physician, Pediatrics, Progressive Community Health Centers

Georgia Rising, RN: Registered Nurse- Community Health, Denver Health

Georgia Wiard, MSN: Registered Nurse, University of Utah

Gerald Simon, RN: Registered Nurse, HARCC

Gilli Treiman, RN: Registered Nurse, PCHA Stanford

Gillian Currie, BSN: Registered Nurse, UCSF

Gillian Kennedy BN RN: Senior Transplant Coordinator, University Health Network

Gina Elizondo-Kudolo BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, University of the Incarnate Word

Gina Lovano, RN, BSN: Registered Nurse, Cleveland Clinic

Gina Sisaketh, BSN: Registered Nurse, University of Washington

Gisselle Lara, RN, BSN: Registered Nurse, PIH Whittier

Grace Moran, BSN, RN: Clinical Nurse, Sharp Healthcare

Grace Park, RN, BSN: Registered Nurse, TJUH

Gretchen Nguyen, MD: Physician, Private Practice

Guadalupe Paz, RN: Registered Nurse

Gwen Eamer, MSc: Senior Officer, Public Health in Emergencies, IFRC

Hadas Bernstein, BSN: Registered Nurse, Mount Sinai Hospital

Hailey Best, BSN, RN: Nurse, Banner University Medical Center

Hailey Koop, MHA: Project Manager, Columbia University Irving Medical Center

Hailey Schluter, RN, CMSRN: Registered Nurse, Carle Hospital

Haley Brown, BSc: Senior Physiotherapist, ICU, Curtin University

Haley Chauvin, LPN: RN Student Nurse, Louisiana State University

Haley Fishburn, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, Davis Hospital and Medical Center

Haley Keel, RN: Registered Nurse, California Nurses Association

Haley Lamm, RN: Registered Nurse, Hesston College

Haley Maxwell, PA-C: Physician Assistant, Private Practice

Hanna Bryant, MD: Physician, MPH student, St. George's University

Hanna Martin, BSN RN: Staff Nurse II- Emergency Department, SVMH

Hannah Cornwell BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, UCHEALTH

Hannah Dobb, MSN, RN: Registered Nurse

Hannah Dunton, BSN RN: Registered Nurse, Providence St. Joseph Health

Hannah Glass, PA-C: Physician Assistant, University of Pittsburgh

Hannah McLeod RN: Registered Nurse, WACHS SouthWest

Hannah Weaver, RN, BSN: Registered Nurse

Hayley Moreau, BScN: Registered Nurse

Haylie Henderson, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, Sharp Healthcare

Heather Dunlap BSN RN: Registered Nurse Case Manager, OSF Healthcare System

Heather Knupp, MS, RN, BSN: Registered Nurse, West Virginia University

Heather Murphy, RN: Registered Staff Nurse, Ontario Hospital

Heidi Yttri, MSN, RN: Registered Nurse

Helen Cornelius BSN: Registered Nurse

Hennessy Sullivan, BSN RN MICN CEN: Registered Nurse, Hoag Hospital

Hilary Mathis, RN, BSN: Registered Nurse, University of Florida

Hillary Kerns, PharmD: Pharmacist, Northwestern Medicine

Hollie Wedemeyer BSN, RN: Travel ICU Nurse, Trinity FirstChoice

Holly Belgum, MD: Physician, University of Minnesota

Hope Looyenga, BSN: Registered Nurse, Cancer and Hematology Centers of West Michigan

Houshang Seradge, MD FICS: Private Practice, The Hand Center

Ila Will MN RN: Registered Nurse

Ines Boehm, PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Edinburgh

Ingie Osman, MPH: Project Director, University of Minnesota

Inna Gerenshteyn, RN BSN: Registered Nurse, Summit Health

Ioana Golubovici, BA, BN, RN: Registered Nurse, The Hospital for Sick Children

Irene Farsatis, PharmD: Pharmacy Manager, Osco Drug Pharmacy

Iris García, RN: Registered Nurse, UT Tyler

Isaac Padilla, RN BSN, PHN: Registered Nurse, California State University, Chico

Ivan Averia RN: Registered Nurse, De La Salle University Dasmariñas

Ivy Sunshine Chen, MSN, MBA, RN: Registered Nurse

Jaclyn Sir Louis RN BSN: Registered Nurse, Graduate Student (MSN, FNP), Ohio State University

Jaclyn Wardell, BSN: Registered Nurse, Creighton University

Jacqueline Santacroce, MS CCC-SLP: Speech Language Pathologist, Bridgeport Hospital

Jacqueline Travis, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, University of Washington

Jacqui Rosenbaum, RN: Registered Nurse, Comprehensive Integrated Care

Jada Gray, BSc BN ACCN: Sessional Instructor, Thompson Rivers University

Jade Garcia, BSN, RN, CVRN-BC 1: Registered Nurse – ICU, Michael E DeBakey VA Medical Center

Jade Garcia, BSN, RN, CVRN-BC Level-1: Registered Nurse – ICU, Multiple

Jaimee Sprinkle, RN BSC, BA psychology: Registered Nurse, University of Lethbridge

James Byrd, BSN: Registered Nurse, Carroll College

Jamie Dwyer, RN, BSN, MBA: RN, BSN, MBA, Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital

Jamie Justesen-Hentges, RN, BSN: RN, BSN

Jamie Sodorff, MAT: Science Teacher, Irvine Unified School District

Jan Santos, BSN: Registered Nurse, Sutter Health

Janay Paiva, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, Sutter Health

Jane Horwitz, PA-C: Physician Assistant, Mount Sinai

Jane McCarty, MSN, RN: Quality Improvement Specialist RN, Virtua Health

Janeska Wood, MPH: Public Health Educator, Loma Linda University

Javier Mora, MD: Resident Physician, Advocate Aurora Health

Jayme Dalmann, BSN: Registered Nurse, University of Alberta

Jeanette Barrera RRT: Respiratory Therapist

Jeanine Burkoth, RN: Registered Nurse, Allina Health

Jeffmie Morales, RN: Nurse Director, BWH

Jenn Dodds, RN, MN-NP program student: Registered Nurse, University of Toronto


Jenna Tarpy, RN, BSN: Registered Nurse, Piedmont Healthcare

Jennie martin BSN, RN, CPN, CCRN: Registered Nurse, HCA

Jennifer Atadero MD: Physician, Private Practice, Illinois

Jennifer Becker, MSEd: Science Teacher, Blue Springs High School

Jennifer Bouska, MSN: RN II, Children's Hospital Los Angeles

Jennifer Byers RN: Registered Nurse, Naval Medical Center Portsmouth

Jennifer Di Pardo BSc, RPN: Registered Practical Nurse, Niagara Health

Jennifer Elwell, RN: Registered Nurse

Jennifer Ferguson, BSN: Registered Nurse, Memorial Hermann

Jennifer Filby, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, Ohio University

Jennifer Karberg, PHD: Research Program Supervisor – Ecologist, Nantucket Conservation Foundation

Jennifer Kelley, PhD: Senior Study Director, Westat

Jennifer Ketelsen BSN RNC-OB C-EFM: Registered Nurse, Edward Elmhurst Healthcare

Jennifer L. Irey, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, Albright College

Jennifer Lake, BSN, RNC-NIC: Registered Nurse, Mission Health

Jennifer Laraia, BSN: Registered Nurse, Duke University

Jennifer Lindsey, RN BSN: Registered Nurse, Saint Luke's Hospital of Kansas City

Jennifer Parra RN, MSN, MPH, CIC: Registered Nurse, Phoenix VA

Jennifer Stickley, RN CEN: Critical Care Flight Nurse, Mercy Health St Vincent Life Flight

Jennifer Vombrack, BS, ADN: Registered Nurse, Northwestern Medicine

Jennifer Wattras RN, BSN: Registered Nurse, Allegheny County Health Department

Jenny Burnett, RN BSN: Registered Nurse, Intensive Care, John Muir Health

Jensen Hyde, MD, MPH, FACP: Associate Professor of Medicine, University of Tennessee Health Science Center

Jeremy Suckow, BSN, BS, USN Veteran: Registered Nurse, University of Michigan-Flint

Jessalyn Hinz-Dorsett RN MSN: Registered Nurse, Methodist Hospital

Jessica Baker BS RN: Vascular Access Specialist, B. Braun Medical

Jessica Byam, BSN: Registered Nurse, St. Luke’s Health System

Jessica DeMotte, RN, BSN: Retired Registered Nurse, Pediatrics

Jessica Edney, MSc.: Scientist, UKHSA

Jessica Griffin, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, FirstHealth

Jessica Hawkins, MSN: Senior Data analyst, Blue Cross NN

Jessica Hobin, BScN: Registered Nurse, The Ottawa Hospital

Jessica Koval, RN BSN: Emergency Department Charge Nurse, Mayo Clinic Health Systems

Jessica Krausse, RN: Staff RN, Texas Health

Jessica Marsden BSN: Registered Nurse, San Diego State University

Jessica Montgomery, RN: Registered Nurse

Jessica Morgan Garcia, PhD: Scientist II, Biotechnology Company

Jessica Morgan RN BSN: Charge Nurse, Johns Hopkins

Jessica Nelson, RN, CRRN: PPSC, Vanderbilt

Jessica O'Brien, RN: Registered Nurse, Boston Children's Hospital

Jessica Park, BSN- RN: Registered Nurse, Chamberlain

Jessica Purkey, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, University of Utah

Jessica Randolph Maldonado: Registered Nurse

Jessica Randolph Maldonado, RN, ADN: Registered Nurse

Jessica Renaud, BSN: Registered Nurse, Centennial Medical Center

Jessica Rolfe, RN: Registered Nurse, UCSF

Jessica Scarborough, BSN, RN 

Jessica Sedinkin, DO: Resident Physician, MercyOne Medical Center

Jessica Simonds, LMSW: School-Based Intervention Counselor, SUNY Albany

Jessica Solomon, BSN: Registered Nurse, Essentia Health

Jessica Wolf, RN: Registered Nurse, University of Maine

Jessie Shapiro, RN: Registered Nurse, Hennepin Healthcare

Jhoanna Enriquez RN: Registered Nurse, CCF

Jill Greenman, RN: Registered Nurse, Northern Nevada Medical Center

Jillian McCann, BScN: Registered Nurse, University of Alberta

Jillian O'Donnell, BSN: Registered Nurse, PHMG

Jillian Scott, BSN: Registered Nurse, Swedish Medical

Jillian Wool, DNP SRNA: SRNA, Northeastern University

Jo-Anne Lindquist RN: Registered Nurse, Grant Macewan University

Joan Downes, RN: Registered Nurse, University of Colorado Health

Joanna Abud, RN: Registered Nurse

Joanna Bruneau, BScN: Registered Nurse, Lakehead University

Joanna Dominguez, RN: Registered Nurse, Dignity Health

Joanne Pinto RN BSN: Staff Nurse, Penn Medicine

Joaquim Santos, RN: Registered Nurse, Morristown Medical Center

Joceline Fernandez, MSN: APRN, South University

Jodi Domsky, RN BSN: RN, BSN, PRH

Jon Fleeman RN: Registered Nurse, Beaumont Health

Jonathan McKay, BSN: Nurse, Hemet Global Medical Center

Jordan Knox, BSN: Registered Nurse, Providence Alaska Medical Center

Jordan Olmstead, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, Seattle Children’s Hospital

Jordan Snead, BSN, RN: Staff Nurse, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center

Jordyn Callihoo, RN: Registered Nurse Operating Room/Cancer Clinic, University of Alberta

Jordyn Schemenauer, BSN RN: Registered Nurse, University of WI Hospitals & Clinics

Joseline Gomez, MSN: Registered Nurse, University of Chicago

Joy Hurwitz RN: Nurse, Concord Hospital

Julia Baldiga, BSN: Registered Nurse, UCSF

Julia Calton, RN BSN SANE: Registered Nurse, Mass General Brigham

Julia Knight, RN-BC: Charge Nurse, Presbyterian Hospital

Julia Overton, BScN: Registered Nurse, Pediatrics, B.C Children's Hospital

Julianna Daniel, RN BSN: Registered Nurse- ICU

Julie Dalenga, BSc: Senior Research Scientist, CRO

Julie Gorman, RN BSN: Registered Nurse, NSW Health Australia

Julie Snyder, BSN: Registered Nurse, Millikin University

Julie Yates, BSN: Registered Nurse, Missouri Valley College

Juliet Cochet RN, MPH: Registered Nurse, Bon Secours

Juliette Eilers, LPN, Undergrad RN, BSN: Nurse, University of Athabasca

Kaela Savage, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, University of Michigan-Flint

Kaitlin Harris, PA-C: Physician Assistant, Allina Health

Kaitlin Kearns, RN, CCN, CPN: Pediatric Registered Nurse, Colorado Children’s Hospital

Kaitlyn Beam, BSN, RN, ONC: Registered Nurse

Kaitlyn Des Jardins, BSN, RN, PED-BC, CNRN: Registered Nurse, Children’s MN

Kaitlyn Henry BScN: Registered Nurse, Lakehead University

Kaitlyn Krause, BNBM: Nurse, Midwife, Deakin University

Kaitron Gordon RN MPH: Staff Nurse, Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Kalen Hermanson, MPH: Program Manager, Alliance for a Healthier Generation

Kaley Cochran, MSc: Policy Specialist, University of Edinburgh

Kamila Lakoma MSN, RN: Registered Nurse

Kandy Bahadur, MD: Pediatrician

Kara Sheely, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, Frederick Health

Karen Cheever, RN, FNP: Registered Nurse, Native American Health Center

Karen Davis, BSN: Registered Nurse, Atrium Health

Karen Garrido-Nag, PhD, CCC-SLP: Associate Professor, Gallaudet University

Karen Rooney, RN BScN: Communicable Disease Nurse Specialist, Saskatchewan Health Authority

Karen Townsend, BS, RN: Registered Nurse

Karen Tsui, MSc: Practice Lead, William Osler Health System

Karly Crain, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, Vida Oncology

Karly Matthews RN, BSN, CPN: Pediatric Staff Registered Nurse, Concord Hospital

Karrie Nicholson, BSN, RN: RN – Critical Care, Regions Hospital, St. Paul, MN

Kate Dowden, BN, BE: Registered Nurse

Kate Liefer, BSN, RN: Research Nurse Coordinator, Saint Louis University

Kate Meehan, MPH: Research Investigator, Dept. of Health

Kate Osborne, RN: Registered Nurse, VCU Health

Katelyn Day, MN: Registered Nurse, DNP student, University of Minnesota

Katelyn Kolb, RN, BSN: Registered Nurse, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center

Katey Bender BSN: Registered Nurse, VA

Katharine Smart, MD, FRCPC: Pediatrician, Whitehorse General Hospital

Katherine Boss, MPH: Public Health Admin III, Chicago Department of Public Health

Katherine Carlino, PharmD: Pharmacist, Cornell Scott Hill Health Center

Katherine Dominick, BSN: Pediatric ICU RN, Johns Hopkins Hospital

Katherine Gawlas BSN RN: Registered Nurse, University of Washington

Katherine Hess Tallering, MD: Retired Physician, Advocate Lutheran General Hospital

Katherine Hossepian, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, Kaiser Permanente

Katherine Jones, RN: SRNA, Duke University

Katherine Klein MD: Physician, SCL Health

Katherine Mackey, BSN, RN-BC: Team Coordinator Nursing, Jefferson Health

Katherine Smith, RN, CRRN: Registered Nurse, New England Rehabilitation Hospital of Portland

Katherine Terry, MSN RN: Registered Nurse, Texas Children's Hospital

Katherine Tokarczyk, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse

Katherine Tomasi, BSN: Registered Nurse, University of North Carolina

Kathleen Giles MS, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, University of Michigan

Kathleen Hildebrand RN: Registered Nurse, Texas State University

Kathleen Katchur, MPH, CHES: Associate Epidemiology Specialist Supervisor

Kathleen McCarel RN, BSN: Registered Nurse – COVID ICU

Kathryn Chojnacki, RN, MSN, CPNP-PC/AC: Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, Phoenix Children's Hospital

Kathryn Harrop, RN, BSN: Registered Nurse

Kathryn Manning, RN: Registered Nurse, Physicians Choice Home Health

Katie Bowler, BScN, MN: Registered Nurse, Unity Health Toronto

Katie Cochran, RN: Registered Nurse, UCHealth

Katie Fey, MS CCC-SLP: Speech Language Pathologist, CommuniKate Speech Therapy

Katie Geiser, RN: Registered Nurse, Bellin College

Katie Hryniewicz, MD: Pediatrician, Pullman Regional Hospital

Katie Lund, RN: ICU Registered Nurse, St. Anthony North Health Campus

Katie Scoggins, RN, BSN: Registered Nurse, California State University

Katie Turner, ADN: Registered Nurse

Katie Waters, BSN: Registered Nurse, University of Alabama Birmingham Hospital

Katlin Orlowski, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, Asante

Katrina Dijamco, CPNP: Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, Community Medical Centers

Katrina DiNicola BSN, RN, CMSRN: Registered Nurse, Advocate LGH

Katrina Garcia RN: Registered Nurse, UCLA

Katrina Ludvigsen, BSN RN: Registered Nurse, University of Miami

Kayla Ashley, BSN: Registered Nurse, Phoenix Children's Hospital

Kayla Chapman MPH: Epidemiologist, Minnesota Department of Health

Kayla Simpson RN: Registered Nurse, Inova Health System

Kayleigh Stromgren, RN: Registered Nurse, University of Washington

Kaysie Swerhun, BSN: Registered Nurse, Island Health

Kecia Bremner, BScN: Registered Nurse, Island Health

Keelin Althoff, M.S., CCC-SLP: Speech Language Pathologist, Supplemental Health Care.

Kelcey Chilcott, MSN: Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, Hillsboro Pediatric Clinic

Keleigh Santarcangelo, RN: Registered Nurse

Kelley Palmer-McGee, BSN, RN: Public Health Nurse, Whatcom Health Department

Kelli Puckett RN, BSN: Registered Nurse, Presbyterian/St Lukes

Kelly Cahill, RN, BSN, MSN: ICU Clinical Nurse, Queensland Health

Kelly Glas, RN, BSN, PHN: Registered Nurse, UC San Diego

Kelly Johnson, BSN: Registered Nurse, Stanford Health

Kelly MacKenzie, BSN: Registered Nurse, University of Texas

Kelly Matter, RN BSN: ICU Registered Nurse, AHS Hospital Systems

Kelly McLaughlin, RRT: Respiratory Therapist, American Career College

Kelly Morrow, RN: Registered Nurse, Asheville Buncombe Technical College

Kelly Tolleson RN, BSN: Registered Nurse, Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center

Kelly Trumpatori, MS CCC-SLP: Senior Speech Language Pathologist, Mayo Clinic

Kelsey Cravens, BSN: Registered Nurse, Children's Hospital Los Angeles

Kelsey Crowell, DO: Resident Physician

Kelsey Faith, BN: Registered Nurse, Waikato Hospital

Kelsey J. Miller MSEd: Science Educator, Salem Keizer Public Schools

Kelsey McAdams, BSN: Registered Nurse

Kelsey Ruby, RN, BSN, CCRN: Staff Nurse, Kettering Health

Kelsey Saari RN ADN: Registered Nurse, Froedtert

Kendall Mattessich BSN: Clinical Nurse, Northwestern Memorial

Kendra Rellas, RN, BSN: Labor & Delivery Registered Nurse, University of Colorado Health

Kenneth Scholz, PhD: Scientific Director and Medical Writer, Ken Scholz, PhD, LLC

Kerri Edwards, RN: Registered Nurse, MidMichigan Medical Center

Kerri West, BA, LP: Licensed Paramedic, The University of Texas at Austin

Kevin DeBruin, MS: Science Communicator, DeBruin Enterprises, LLC

Kimberley Gauthier, PhD: Research Fellow, The Hospital for Sick Children

Kimberly Craig, BSN: Registered Nurse, Mercy College of Ohio

Kimberly Kahler RN BSN Critical Care RN: Registered Nurse

Kimberly Sargeant, RN ASN: Registered Nurse, Medically Home

Kiran Dhiman, MPH: Research Coordinator, University of Calgary

Kirk Bertsche, PhD: Principal Scientist

Kirsten Maakestad, DPT: Physical Therapist, Physical Therapy Clinic

Krishana Sankar, PhD: Scientist; Science Advisor, Science Up First

Krista Biedermann, BSN, RN, CCRN: Registered Nurse- PICU

Krista Ciminera, BSN: Registered Nurse, Penn Medicine

Krista Torseth, DPT: PT, Wave Therapies

Kristel Joyce Gapuz, RN, BSN: Registered Nurse, Kaiser Permanente

Kristen Bormann BSN, CCRN, CSC: Registered Nurse, Aya Healthcare

Kristen Clark RN, BSN: Registered Nurse, AMN Healthcare

Kristen Dobson, BSN: Nurse Manager, George Washington University

Kristie Wall, RN: Nurse, RMIT

Kristin DiBona BScN: Registered Nurse, Sunnybrook Hospital

Kristin Gillingham, RN, BSN: Clinical Registered Nurse III, Providence Cedars-Sinai Medical Center

Kristin Kantautas, PhD: Research Director

Kristin Vosburgh, PharmD: Pharmacist

Kristina Borjon RN, BSN, CNOR, PHN: Registered Nurse

Kristina Nascimento, BSN: Registered Nurse, Lowell General Hospital

Kristine Matysiak PA-C: Physician Assistant – Emergency Medicine, Door County Medical Center

Kristyn App, BSN: Registered Nurse, Kootenai Health

Krystal Savage, BSN, RN: Charge Nurse

Kylieann Campbell, RN BSN: ICU Registered Nurse, Northeast Georgia Hospital System

Lacy Green, RN: ICU Registered Nurse, University of Utah

Laela Ghorbani, ADN: Registered Nurse, Denver College of Nursing

Lara Foland-Ross, PhD: Senior Research Associate, Stanford University

Laura A Scarborough, RNC-NIC: Clinical Nurse – NICU, Doctors Medical Center, Modesto

Laura Conoly, RN, BSN: Registered Nurse, Doctors Hospital of Augusta

Laura Dorneman, RN, BSN, CPHON: Survivorship Nurse Coordinator, Oregon Health and Science University

Laura Kasten, RN BSN: Registered Nurse, Trusted Health

Laura McFarland PT, DPT: Physical Therapist/Clinical Instructor, Old Dominion University

Lauren Acker, BSN RN: Registered Nurse, Paradise Valley Hospital

Lauren Behringer, RN BSN: Registered Nurse, Children’s Hospital of Michigan

Lauren Boukis, MSPT: Physical Therapist, Cleveland Clinic

Lauren Caldwell, BSN: Registered Nurse, Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center

Lauren Campbell, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, Ohio State University

Lauren Chmelik, BA, BSN: Registered Nurse

Lauren Edington, RN-BSN: Registered Nurse, Grand Valley State University

Lauren Freeland, MSW: Social Worker, University of Denver

Lauren Harman, M.S., CCC-SLP: Speech Language Pathologist, San Diego State University

Lauren Heslop, BSN: Registered Nurse, Legacy Health Systems

Lauren Janesh, RN: Registered Nurse, CMH

Lauren Landis, RN, BSN: Intensive Care Unit Nurse, Penn State

Lauren Merkley, RN: Registered Nurse, Navos Hospital

Lauren Noll, BSN: Registered Nurse

Lauren P, RN, BSN: Registered Nurse, EMCP

Lauren Proffitt BHS: Sleep Trainer, University of Tennessee

Lauren Reischman, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, Providence Health & Services

Lauren Richards, BSN, RNC-MNN: Registered Nurse

Lauren Rooney, MPH: Researcher, University of Washington

Lauren Ross, BSN, RN, IBCLC: Registered Nurse, The University of Kansas Health System

Lauren Schmitt, BS: PhD Candidate, University of Colorado

Lauren Wetzler, MHS, PA-C: Physician Assistant, National Institutes of Health

Lauren Winkelman, RN, BSN: Registered Nurse, Lake Superior State University

Laurice Abi-Rashed, RN BscN: Registered Nurse, University of Ottawa

Laurie Harris BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, Kaiser Permanente

Leah Correia, RN BSN: Registered Nurse, University of Washington

Leah Gideon RN: Registered Nurse, Salem Hospital

Leah Nunn, BSN: RN II

Leah Runyan, MS: SLP, HCA Healthcare

Leah Wilson, BS, RN, OCN: Registered Nurse, Atrium Health

Lesley Boswell, BSN: Registered Nurse, George Washington University Hospital

Leslie Allen LPN: Nurse, Biolife Plasma

Leslie Kelley, CPNP, MSN: Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, Columbia University

Lexi Moore, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, James Madison University

Liah Chapman-Chittick BScN: Registered Nurse, Dalhousie University

Linda Nguyen, BSN RN: Registered Nurse, Loma Linda University Medical Center

Lindsay Belvedere, MPH: Workplace Wellness Consultant

Lindsay Cheal, RPN: Registered Practical Nurse, Grand River Hospital

Lindsay Gervais, RD: Registered Dietitian, Alberta Health Services

Lindsay Latkowski RN BSN: Registered Nurse/Practice Manager, St. Joseph Health System

Lindsey Caillier, MSN, RN: Critical Care Registered Nurse, California Pacific Medical Center, San Francisco

Lindsey Phillipson-Weiner M.S, M.M.S, PA-C: Physician Assistant, Mainline Health

Lindsey Roberts MPA PA-C: Physician Associate, Loma Linda University

Lindsey Thompson, DPT: Physical Therapist, Swedish Medical Center

Lindy Gargaro, BSN, RN, CCRN: Registered Nurse, Detroit Medical Center

Lisa Bouliane, RN: Registered Nurse, UBC

Lisa Charbonneau, BScN: Registered Nurse – ICU, Horizon Health

Lisa Cost, RN: Registered Nurse, Stanford

Lisa Deraadt, BScN: Registered Nurse

Lisa Garcia, RN, CCRN, CNOR: Critical Care Registered Nurse, University of Arizona

Lisa Knudsen, BSP: Pharmacist, Saskatchewan College Pharmacists

Lisa Perkins, RN: Registered Nurse

Lisa Pommerenke, RN: Research Assistant, St Catherine University

Lizdey Garcia Chavez, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse

Loren Williams, Phd: Professor of Biochemistry, Georgia Tech

Louisa Smith, RN, BSN, CEN: Registered Nurse, University of Vermont Medical Center

Louise Flavahan, JD, MPH: Senior Public Policy Analyst to Retired US Senator, John's Hopkins University

Louise Rasmussen, BN: Registered Nurse, Australian Red Cross Lifeblood

Lydia Cole, BSN RN: Nurse, ChristianaCare

Lydia Durham, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, Johns Hopkins

Lydia Gallucci RN: Registered Nurse, Cigna

Lydia Peters RN, BSN: Registered Nurse

Lynne Hatton BSc Pharmacology BN RN: Registered Nurse, PEI

Lyssa Manning MSc: Sr. Clinical Research Program Manager, Massachusetts General Hospital

M.G. Finn, PhD: Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology

Ma. Therese Quita, RN: Triage Nurse

Mackenzie McKinney RN, BSN: Registered Nurse, UTMC

Mackenzie Regnerus, MPK: Registered Kinesiologist

Macy Bridges RN: Registered Nurse, Wellstar Kennestone

Madelaine Allgaier, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, Northern Arizona University

Madeleine Chin, RN, BSN: Registered Nurse, Tufts Medical Center

Madeline Rodriguez, ADN: Registered Nurse, Healthcare

Madelynn Portell, RN BSN: Registered Nurse, Harry S Truman Veterans Memorial Hospital, Intensive Care Unit

Madison Clark, MSN, RN: Registered Nurse, Marquette University

Madison Hancock, BSN: Registered Nurse

Madison Lyall RN, BSN: Registered Nurse, Regis University

Madison Pierce, BSc, RD: Registered Dietitian, Meno Ya Win Health Centre

Maggie Egan, RN: Registered Nurse, Utah

Maggie Walker, BSN: Registered Nurse, Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center

Maija Altmaier RN: Palliative Registered Nurse

Majken Villiger, MD, CCFP, BSc: Physician, Alberta Health Services

Malaika Palma, RN: Registered Nurse, AHS

Mandy Mueller, RN BSN: Registered Nurse, Concordia University – Wisconsin

Marcela Izquierdo, RN, BSN: Clinical Nurse, UCLA

Margaret Baker, RN, BSN, CMSRN: Registered Nurse, OHSU

Maria Arshanskiy, MD, MBA: Physician, VA Medical Center

Maria Ciliberti, MPH MPAP PA-C: Physician Assistant, Arrowhead Regional Medical Center

Maria Hamm, MPH: Program Manager, University of Montana

María Lobifaro, MSN, CCRN: ICU/Interventional Cardiology Registered Nurse, New York Presbyterian Hospital

María Torre, PhD: Professor, The City University of New York

Maria Turcotte, MS: Speech Language Pathologist, NYU

Marie Armstrong PT, DPT: Physical Therapist, Twin Cities Orthopedics

Mariela Espinosa BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, Medical Center

Marina Kozina, RN: Registered Nurse, St Michaels hospital

Marina Wasilewski, PhD: Scientist, Sunnybrook Research Institute

Marissa Lycans, RN BSN: Registered Nurse, Huntsville Hospital

Marjorie Merchant, MSN: PNP, Included Health

Marjorie Watkins, MS: Research Assistant, University of Oregon

Mark S Clee, M.D.: Pediatric Hospitalist, Odessa Regional Medical Center

Marlin Madrigal, ADN: Registered Nurse, LAHC

Martina Ettore BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, Penn Medicine

Mary Ann Tebang, BScN: Registered Nurse, Ryerson University

Mary Cluley, BSN: Registered Nurse, Methodist Dallas Medical Center

Mary Flavin, MSN, BSN, RN: Staff Nurse, Columbia University

Mary Keller BSN, RN: Pediatric Registered Nurse, Loma Linda University

Mary Lorge, RN, BSN: Registered Nurse, University of Colorado

Mary Massarelli, BSN RN: Registered Nurse, Dayton Children's Hospital

Mary Pinter, MS: Senior Project Analyst, University of Colorado

Mary Stewart, RN: Registered Nurse, St. Charles Health System

MaryMargaret Rossi, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse – ICU, MetroWest Medical Center

Matthew Gifford: EMT

Matthew Nurse, MScComm, MComm: PhD Researcher on Misinformation, Australian National University

Matthew Way, RN, BScN (Hons): Registered Nurse, Ontario Tech University

Maura Lyle, PA-C: Physician Assistant, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center

Maura Lynch, RN, BSN: Registered Nurse, Saint Louis University

Maura Smith, BSN: Registered Nurse, Sharp Healthcare

Max Blumberg, MD: Physician, Erie County Department of Health

McKaylah Bradley, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, VA Hospital

McKenna Mages, BSN: Registered Nurse, Mayo Clinic – Rochester

Meagan Connelly, RN BSN: Registered Nurse, Sutter Health

Meagan Dufek, RN: Registered Nurse, Saratoga Hospital

Meagan Parsons, BSN: Registered Nurse, University of Saskatchewan

Meg Kane CPNP-PC PNP PMHS: Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, CCH

Megan Albright, RN: Registered Nurse – Cardiothoracic Surgery, Sanford Health

Megan Black RN BSN: Registered Nurse, UNM

Megan Chapin, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, Associate Faculty, Providence Regional Medical Center and Edmonds Community College

Megan Coulter, MSN, RN: Registered Nurse, Einstein Healthcare Network

Megan Cushner, RN: Registered Nurse, West Chester University

Megan Green, RN, MScN, BScN, BHSc: Registered Nurse, Public Health Nurse, Masters Graduate of the University of Toronto

Megan Johnson, RN: Registered Nurse, Kaiser Hospital San Jose

Megan Miller, BSN, RN, OCN: Registered Nurse, University of Washington

Megan Orr, MD: Resident Physician, Advocate Aurora Health

Megan Pollock, RRT: Registered Respiratory Therapist, ENMUR

Megan Porter, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, Maine Medical Center

Megan Rademacher RN, BSN: Research RN, Children's Hospital

Megan Wells RN BSN: Registered Nurse

Megan Wentzel, BSN: Registered Nurse, Memorial Medical Center, Las Cruces NM

Meghan Burek, MSc, RD: Registered Dietitian, University of Guelph

Meghan Campbell, MSW, LICSW: Therapist, Bridgewater State University

Meghan Gerli RN: Registered Nurse, Kaiser Permanente

Mei Ho BSN: Registered Nurse, University of Victoria

Melanie Diep PHM: Sr. Public Health Microbiologist/BT Coordinator, Santa Clara County Public Health Laboratory

Melanie Galace, PharmD: Pharmacist, CVS Health

Melinda Grant, BSN OCN RN: Registered Nurse, Simmons

Melissa Bommarito, MSN, APRN, CPNP: Pediatric Nurse Practitioner – Allergy/Immunology Department, Saint Louis University

Melissa Edwards MSW: School/Child Therapist, Live Oak School District

Melissa Kalisvaart, PT, DPT, OCS: Pediatric Physical Therapist, Children in Motion Therapy Services

Melissa Kramer, MD: Pediatrician, CPCMG

Melissa McElfish, BSN, RN, CCRN, SCRN: RN Unit Supervisor, Inova Fairfax Medical Campus

Melissa Nazareno Mascetti, CSFA: Surgical First Assist, Ascension St Agnes Hospital

Melissa Pilcher, RN: PICU Registered Nurse, University of Kentucky healthcare

Melyssa Parry, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, University of Utah

Meredith Gibboney RN: Registered Nurse, Kaiser Permanente

Meredith Plakosh, RN: Registered Nurse, University of Rochester Medical Center

Meredith Sapp BSN, RN, CHPN: Registered Nurse

Merli Alcasid, RN: Registered Nurse, Barlow Respiratory Hospital

Michael Hoos, PhD: Scientific Liaison

Michael Mathewson, RN: Professional Staff Nurse, UPMC Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh

Michael Sedurifa, MSN, RN: Registered Nurse, Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science

Michaelle Melnuk, RN, BSN: RN, BSN, NM Health

Michele Kilpatrick RN: Registered Nurse, Chelsea Senior Living

Michelle Arbogast RN, BSN: Registered Nurse, Adventist Health Glendale

Michelle Arquines, BSN: Registered Nurse, University of San Francisco

Michelle Conway BSc, BSN: Registered Nurse, Saskatchewan Health Authority

Michelle Cunanan, BSN: Registered Nurse, Kaiser Oakland

Michelle Gallegos Guillen, BSN RN: Registered Nurse, M Health Fairview

Michelle Hoekstra, PT, DPT: Physical Therapist, Parham Doctors’ Hospital – HCA

Michelle Johnson BSN: Registered Nurse, Temecula Valley Hospital

Michelle Kline, PhD: Senior Lecturer, Brunel University

Michelle Managh, RN, BN, PGDipSci: Registered Nurse, Auckland City Hospital

Michelle Melanson RN: Registered Nurse, PHCC WRHA

Michelle Short, RN: Registered Nurse, Indiana State University

Michelle Silvers, RN: Registered Nurse, St. Vincent Charity Medical Center

Michelle Venegas BSN RN: Registered Nurse, PIH Health Whittier

Michelle Wasil BSN, RN: Nurse Case Manager, UnitedHealth

Misty Lahti, MSPC, BSN, RN, CCRN: Registered Nurse, Kaiser Permanente

Molly Chapman BS BSN RN CNOR: Registered Nurse, OSU

Molly Long, RN: ICU Registered Nurse, Travel Nurse

Molly Pilarski, MD: Staff Emergency Physician

Monica Diienno, RN, BSN: Registered Nurse, White Plains Hospital

Monica Hayes, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, Swedish Medical Center

Monica Stein, BSN: Registered Nurse, MedStar Washington Hospital Center

Monika Haoui, PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, Berkeley

Morgan Jenkins, MD, FACOG: Physician, Monadnock OB/Gyn Associates

Nancy Miodrag, PhD: Professor, California State University Northridge

Naomi Koh Belic, PhD: Senior Research Development Officer, University of Sydney

Natalia Cárdenas, PA-C, MSPAS, MPH: Physician Assistant, Borrego Health

Natalia Solenkova, MD PhD: Physician

Natalie Adams, BSN: Registered Nurse, Azusa Pacific University

Natalie Conrad, BSN: Registered Nurse, UCLA Health

Natalie Firato, RN, BSN: Staff Nurse IV, Kaiser Permanente

Neelam Gorman, BSN: Registered Nurse, UC Davis Medical Center

Neena Folliott MSc: Physical Therapist, University of Toronto

Nes Yussuf, BSN: Registered Nurse, Centinela Hospital Medical Center

Nicholas B. Tiller, Ph.D.: Senior Research Fellow, UCLA

Nick Eldridge, RN: Registered Nurse, University of Alabama

Nicole Andrews BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, Ocean University Medical Center

Nicole Cohen, BSN RN: Registered Nurse, Penn Medicine

Nicole LaFuze, BSN: Registered Nurse, CHLA

Nicole Myers, PA-C: Physician Assistant, Wellspan Health

Nicole Robbins PhD: Senior Research Associate, University of Toronto

Nicole Van Nas, BSN: Registered Nurse

Nicolette Meccia, BSN: Senior Nurse Clinician, NYU Langone Health

Nida Kanari, RN BSN: Registered Nurse, Children's Hospital Los Angeles

Nikki Belcher, MSN, RN, RNC-OB, CNE: Registered Nurse, Assistant Professor, Research College of Nursing

Nikki McGraw, BSN: Registered Nurse, University of Utah

Niklas Mattheus, ADN: Registered Nurse, House Supervisor, Placentia Linda Hospital

Nilesh Shah, PhD: Assistant Professor, University of Pittsburgh

Nimisha Amin, MD: Pediatrician and Pediatric Nephrologist, Private Practice

Noan Cambe, BSN: Registered Nurse, The Mount Sinai Hospital

Nupur Sehdev, PA-C: Physician Assistant

Nuri Colin, RN: Registered Nurse, PHHS

Olivera Alilovic, RN: Registered Nurse, Sutter Health

Olivia Johl, RN: Clinical Resource Nurse, UC Davis Health

Olivia McLaren, BSN: Registered Nurse

Olivia Strubel, RN: Nurse Coordinator, Alfred Health, Melbourne Australia

Paige DeHaan M.S CCC-SLP: SLP

Paige Kauserud BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, Livingston Pediatric Center

Pamela Lincez, PhD: Research Associate, University of British Columbia

Pamela O’Hara Jones, RN, BSN: RN-BSN, Eastern Kentucky University

Pamela Reed, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, Massachusetts General Hospital

Patricia Troy, RN: Registered Nurse, Swedish Medical

Paula Goines, PhD: Scientific Evidence Manager, Symplr

Paulina Bajorek, PharmD, Rph: Pharmacist, University of Waterloo

Pearl Peters, MPH: Puberty and Sex Educator

Peggy Wentworth, PhD: Research Strategic Advisor, University of California, San Diego

Phoebe Lane, RN MSN: ICU Registered Nurse, Presbyterian Healthcare Services

Phuong Vo, BSN, RN, OCN, MEDSURG-BC: Staff Infusion Nurse, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

Pol Laanen, MSc. in Biochemistry and Biotechnology: PhD Candidate, Hasselt University

Pooneh Salehi RN: Registered Nurse, Kaiser Permanente

Prativa Baral, MPH: PhD Candidate, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health

Rachael Hiden, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, UF Health Shands

Rachael Sullivan, MD: Surgeon/Surgical Intensivist, Cleveland Clinic

Rachael Thompson Bsc BHSc: Physician Assistant Emergency Medicine, Instructor McMaster University, South Bruce Grey Health Centre, McMaster University.

Rachel Baker BSN RN PCCN: Registered Nurse, Lee Health

Rachel Boren, MD: Resident Physician, University of Texas

Rachel Brookes, RN: Registered Nurse, York University

Rachel Brown, MSN: Registered Nurse, Marquette University

Rachel Fitzmaurice RN MSN: Registered Nurse Care Manager, Department of Veterans Affairs

Rachel Maas, MPH: Researcher & Evaluator, University of California, Berkeley

Rachel Matsko, RN: Registered Nurse, Bozeman Health

Rachel Robertson, BSN: Registered Nurse, UPMC

Rachel Szadyr, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse – CICU, Beaumont Health

Rachel Tilghman, MPH: Public Health Professional

Rachel Webb, MMS PA-C: Physician Assistant, University of Utah

Rachel Weiner, BSN: Nursing Manager, M Health Fairview

Rachel Williams, BSN: ICU Registered Nurse, Supplemental Healthcare

Rachna Chari MD CCFP: Physician, Lecturer, University of Toronto

Raleb Taher, PhD: Postdoctoral Scholar, University of California, Irvine

Randy Duarte, RN: Rapid Response/Code RN, Riverside Community Hospital

Ranin Elias, BSN: Registered Nurse, Beaumont Hospital

Rebecca Clagg, RN: Registered Nurse, Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters

Rebecca Dietzold, BSN RN: Registered Nurse

Rebecca Hale RN, BSN: Registered Nurse, University at Buffalo

Rebecca Hawthorne PA-C, MPAS: Physician Assistant, Texas Health Physicians Group

Rebecca Kim, M.A., OTR/L: Pediatric Occupational Therapist

Rebecca Lapating, PA-C: Physician Assistant, Hoag

Rebecca Lewis, BSN, RNC-OB/EFM, PHN, SANE: Registered Nurse, MarinHealth Medical Center

Rebecca Nussbaum BSN: Nurse Care Coordinator, Goshen Hospital

Rebecca Pattison, BA, AAS: Registered Nurse, Beaumont Hospital

Rebecca Stephenson BSc, PGDip Nursing: Specialist Nurse, Newcastle Upon Tyne NHS Foundation Trust

Rebekah Gonzalez, RN BSN: Registered Nurse, Lehigh Valley Health Network

Regan Byrd, BSN: Registered Nurse, Boise State University

Rejeana Scarpello, BSN: Registered Nurse, Good Samaritan Hospital

Retta Sola, BSN: Registered Nurse, Emory Healthcare

Richard Goldwasser MD: Psychiatrist

Richard M. Carpiano, Ph.D., M.P.H.: Professor of Public Policy, University of California, Riverside

Robert Cook, RN, BSN: Registered Nurse, University of Rochester Strong Memorial Hospital

Robin Moxon, BScN: Registered Nurse, Switch Health

Robyn Zupancic, RN, BScN: Registered Nurse, Duke University

Rosalynd Burke, BSN: Registered Nurse, UPMC Presbyterian Shadyside

Rose Powers, RN: Vice President, Northwell Health

Rose Trotta, MD: Resident Physician, Duke University

Roshel Graham MD: Pediatric Hospitalist, SCPMG

Ryan McLaughlin, BSN: Registered Nurse

Ryann Mason, RN: Registered Nurse, Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital

Saasha Gorrie, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, Public Health

Sachi Dade, BSN: Registered Nurse, Australian Catholic University

Sadat Hasen, BSN, RN, MSN (c): Registered Nurse, New York University

Sally Hibscher Reid, BSN, RN-BC, PCCN: Registered Nurse, Texas Health Resources

Samantha Ahwah RN BSN: CN III, City of Hope

Samantha Bowen, RN: Registered Nurse, El Camino Health

Samantha Cooper RN- ADN: Registered Nurse, GWCC

Samantha D’costa BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, Long Beach Memorial

Samantha LeGault BSN: Registered Nurse, Northwest Nazarene University

Samantha Rossano, PhD: Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Columbia University

Samantha Ruda, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, University at Buffalo

Samantha Wilson, PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre

Samuel Price, DO: Physician, Norton King's Daughters' Health

Sandra A Raehtz, DO, PhD: Physician; Core faculty at FM Residency Program, Mercy Health Muskegon

Sandra FitzGerald, PA-C: Physician Assistant, Brigham and Women's Hospital

Sandra Santos, RN: Registered Nurse, Uvalde Memorial Hospital

Sangeeta Nair, PhD: Recent Doctoral Graduate in Neurosciences, University of Alabama at Birmingham

Sara Levine, RN: Nurse, Cottage Health

Sara Lucas, BSN: Registered Nurse

Sara Quinn, BSN: Registered Nurse, Montana State University

Sarah Anderson, MS CCC-SLP: Speech Language Pathologist, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Sarah Anne Lovell, BS, MSN(c): Registered Nurse, Yale University

Sarah Ashwell, BScN: Registered Nurse, Island Health

Sarah Barrett, BSc, RGN.: Nurse, Dublin City University

Sarah Carroll, BSN, RN: Sr. Clinical Research Associate, Bellarmine University

Sarah Dettmann, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, ICHN

Sarah Doble, BSN: Critical Care Registered Nurse, Legacy Health

Sarah Eichenbaum, RD: Registered Dietitian

Sarah Figueras, MA, CF-SLP: Speech Language Pathologist, University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Sarah Hagen, RN: Nurse, Derma Medical

Sarah Hughes, MPAS, PA-C: Physician Associate, Instructor in Medicine, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Geisel School of Medicine

Sarah Huling, BSN, BA, RN: Registered Nurse, Duly

Sarah Jelgerhuis, BSN: Registered Nurse

Sarah Jennings RN, BSN, CPHON: Clinical Instructor, EKU

Sarah Kaczka BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, National Jewish Health

Sarah Krmpotich, RN, BSN: Registered Nurse, Private Pediatric Clinic

Sarah Menegio; BS Psychology: Social Welfare Manager, Dutchess County Social Services Medicaid

Sarah Moes, BScN: Registered Nurse in Emergency and Critical Care, Vancouver Coastal Health

Sarah Nelson-Taylor, MD, PhD: Pediatrics Resident, University of Colorado

Sarah Owens, BSN RN: Registered Nurse

Sarah Peck, RN, MSN, IBCLC: Registered Nurse and Lactation Consultant, Nesting Lactation, Nursing Corp.

Sarah Quigley BScN: Registered Nurse, The Ottawa Hospital

Sarah Vogel, MSN, RN, CPHON: Registered Nurse, Flatiron Health

Sarah, RN, BSB: Registered Nurse, Ohio State University

Sasha Voll, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, Portland VA Medical Center

Scott Kelly, RN: Registered Nurse, St. Luke’s Health System

Shannon Butler, RN: Hospital Staff Nurse, Kaiser Permanente

Shannon Carey, PA-C: Physician Assistant, MNMC

Shannon Diers, RN, BSN: Staff Nurse, Children's Minnesota

Shannon Hughes BSN: Registered Nurse, Yale New Haven Hospital

Shannon Miller, RN: ICU Registered Nurse, Medical Solutions

Shannon Mitchell, RN, BSN: Staff Nurse, Northwestern Medicine

Shannon Nickerson, BScN: Public Health Nurse

Shannon Zappa, RN, MSN: Registered Nurse, Hennepin County Medical Center

Shavon Bettencourt BSN, RN-BC, PCCN, CHFN: Registered Nurse, Lowell General Hospital

Shawnda M Geisel BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, Cleveland Clinic

Sheila Diehl, RN, BSN, RNC: Registered Nurse, University of Pennsylvania

Shelby Quaderer, RN, ADN: Registered Nurse, Michigan Progressive Health

Shelley Arnold, PhD: Psychologist, Kids Neuroscience Centre

Shiela Abayon, BSN: Registered Nurse, Valley Medical Center

Shirin Heydari, PA-C: Surgical Physician Assistant, Providence

Shruti Amin, MD: Resident Physician PM&R, One Brooklyn Health

Sierra Roberts RN: Registered Nurse, Maine Medical Center

Siobhán Mulcahy, RN: Nurse, Kings College

Siri Webber, RN: Registered Nurse, Sutter CPMC

Sofie Diakoulas, RN BSN: Registered Nurse, Johns Hopkins Hospital

Sonia Finrow BSN RN: Registered Nurse, Providence Regional Medical Center Everett, WA

Sonia Khatter MD: Physician, University of Colorado

Sonia M Lee, BSN: Critical Care Registered Nurse, Fraser Health Authority

Stacey Lynes, PharmD: Pharmacist

Stacey Roth, MS, CCC-SLP: Teacher of Speech and Language Therapy, NYC DOE

Stacy Pyzowski, RN: Registered Nurse, Medstar Health

Stefanie Meyer, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse-Oncology, Island Hospital

Steffi Matthyssen, PhD: Postdoctoral Microbiologist, University of Antwerp

Stephanie Atella, MPH: Project Director, ICAAP

Stephanie Belokin, DO: Physician

Stephanie Bunch, RN BSN: Registered Nurse – NICU, Wolfson Children's Hospital

Stephanie Castro, RN BSN: Registered Nurse, Kaiser Permanente

Stephanie Chou, BSN RN: Registered Nurse, Kaiser Permanente

Stephanie Foster BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, BUMC

Stephanie Griego, BS, RN: Rn, Clinical Nurse II, Children’s Hospital Orange County

Stephanie Hitt BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, Swedish Hospital

Stephanie Hungerford, BS RN: Registered Nurse, FAU

Stephanie Kooi, RN BSN: Registered Nurse/Patient Logistics, George Washington University Hospital

Stephanie Petry, PA-C: Physician Assistant

Stephanie Vance, MOT, OTR/L: Pediatric Occupational Therapist, Pediatric Therapy Services, University of St. Augustine

Susan M Hare, BSN: Registered Nurse (PACU), URMC

Susan York RN: Registered Nurse, Santa Clara Valley Medical Center

Sydnie Halverson-Dahl, RN: Registered Nurse, Wyoming Medical Center

Sylvia Tangney, MPH: PhD Candidate in Epidemiology, Graduate Student Researcher, UCLA

Syndi shefer, ms Ccc-slp: Speech Pathologist

Talarah Peters, BSN, BSc: ICU Registered Nurse, Royal University Hospital, Saskatoon, Canada

Talia Coveleski, BSN: Registered Nurse, University of California San Francisco Medical Center

Talia Shoval, RN BSN: Registered Nurse, Children's Hospital Colorado

Tallya Llewelyn, BSN-RN: Nurse, Intermountain Healthcare

Tammie Liu, MSN, APRN, FNP-C: Registered Nurse, Orange County Global Medical Center

Tanya Shockley RN, BSN, CCRN: Charge RN, Texas Health Resources

Tanya Simbra, RN: Registered Nurse, Sharp Healthcare

Tara Fairbrother, RN: Cardiac Nurse, Red Deer Hospital, Alberta, Canada

Tara Hanau, RN, BSN: Registered Nurse, MedStar Georgetown University Hospital

Taryn Martin, BS RVT: Vascular Sonographer, Oregon Tech/ UCHealth

Taylor Black, RN-BSN: Registered Nurse – ER

Taylor McCullough-Fries, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, Children's Hospital New Orleans

Taylor Wood RN: ICU Registered Nurse

Taylor Young, BSN-RN: Registered Nurse, ChristianaCare

Teresa Nodal, MD: Assistant Lead Physician, Pediatric Associates

Teresa Thompson-Webster RN, BSN: Registered Nurse

Terra Hamasaki, BA, BSN, RN: Registered School Nurse, The Evergreen School

Tessa Rabinowitz, RN: Registered Nurse, Lenox Hill Hospital

Tessa Simon, RN: Registered Nurse, Kaiser Permanente

Thanida Pattana, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, Children's National Hospital

Theresa Mazur RN, BSN: Staff RN, Holy Cross Hospital ER-Chicago

Theresa Paskert, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, Medical Solutions

Theresa Rivera, MSN: Registered Nurse, Kaiser Permanente

Thomas Schilling, PhD: Professor, Fitchburg State University

Tia Cooper, RN BSN: Registered Nurse, University of Colorado

Tiana Ciccarelli, MSc: Public Health and Health Systems Graduate, University of Waterloo

Tiffany Broadway, BSN, RN, C-NPT: Registered Nurse, Kaiser Permanente

Tina Crawford, RN BSN: Registered Nurse, University of San Francisco

Tom Lemaitre, MSc: PhD Candidate, KU Leuven

Tori Montague RN: Registered Nurse, Carson Fabius Regional Medical Center

Trea Silvester, BSN: Registered Nurse, Intermountain Healthcare

Tricia Meyer RN: Registered Nurse, Kaiser Permanente

Tricia Sutton BSN: Registered Nurse, SHN

Tyler Nguyen, MS, PhD: Postdoctoral Fellow, Indiana University School of Medicine

Ursula Smith BSN, RN: Retired Registered Nurse

Valerie Casey RN,BSN: Staff Nurse, University of Connecticut

Valerie Stancyk, RN: Registered Nurse, Sutter Health

Valery Notaro, PT, DPT: Physical Therapist, Fusion Medical Staffing

Vanessa Sonnen, BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, SLVRMC

Varisa Viera, RN: Registered Nurse, Host Healthcare

Veronica Bruggeman, BSN: Registered Nurse

Veronica Smith BSN RN: Registered Nurse, Christ Medical Center

Veronica Villegas, MSN: Public Health Nurse, UCLA

Victoria Bennett BSN, RN: Registered Nurse, St. Joseph Hospital

Victoria Craig, RN: ICU and Dialysis Registered Nurse, University of Toronto

Victoria Tuccillo, BSN, RNC: Registered Nurse, Virtua Hospital

Wendy McMakin, RN, BSN: Public Health Nurse, MESD

Wesley Sohn, RN BScN: Emergency Department Registered Nurse, Trillium Health Partners

Whitney Sterling RN: Registered Nurse, UW

Wyatt Pendleton BSN, RN, CEN: Registered Nurse, Yale New Haven Health System

Yera Chokshi, DO: Physician, Novant Health

Yolanda Lope, BSN: Registered Nurse, University of Utah

Yorman Gomez, BSN RN: Registered Nurse, Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago

Zeena Al-Tai, MD: Physician, Clinicas del Camino Real

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