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Joni Cancels British Tour Print-ready version

Record Mirror & Disc
March 20, 1976
Original article: PDF

JONI MITCHELL has cancelled her British and European dates. The decision was taken for medical reasons. Doctors who treated her for exhaustion and flu during her recent American tour advised her to cancel.

Her concerts at the London Hammersmith Odeon and the Glasgow Apollo were completely sold out and would have been her first shows here since she appeared with CSN & Y at Wembley in 1974.

Everyone who bought tickets direct from MAM should return their tickets with a stamped, addressed envelope, for a refund. People who bought tickets direct from agencies should return their tickets to the agents concerned.

The promoter, Barry Dickens, hopes to reschedule the tour for later in the year.

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Added to Library on October 6, 2017. (4521)


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