DATES have now been confirmed for Joni Mitchell's British visit in late May - and they are different from the tentative dates originally pencilled in. Joni will now definitely appear at London Hammersmith Odeon on May 27, 28 and 29, followed by Glasgow Apollo Centre on May 31. Promoter Barry Dickins told NME this week that these gigs have now been contracted.
Postal bookings for the Hammersmith concerts will be accepted by the MAM Organisation (24/25 New Bond Street, London W.1) on or after March 1. Prices are £4, £3.50, £3, £2 and£1. The vast majority of tickets are held by MAM for postal applicants, but please remember that bookings will not be entertained before March 1. Ten per cent of the tickets will, however, be available at Hammersmith Odeon for personal callers.
Glasgow tickets are available from the venue priced £3.50, £3, £2.50, £2 and £1. Readers should contact the Apollo for information regarding box-office opening date.
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Added to Library on September 28, 2017. (1257)
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