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Joni Mitchell Clicks In 'Turned On' Act Print-ready version

by Eliot Tiegel
June 15, 1968
Original article: PDF

Los Angeles

Singer Joni Mitchell displayed much strength in making her Coast debut at the Troubadour, Tuesday (4).

She has one album on Reprise. Miss Mitchell achieved rapport with her audience. They sat attentively as she spun stories based on human experiences and personalities which have inspired her writing.

Miss Mitchell charms her audience without any histrionics. Her lyric phrases are understandable and she communicates easily.

Accompanying herself on unamplified guitar, the vocalist had an excellent range and she utilized breath control to extend final note endings. Her repertoire includes Marcie, Nathan La Franeer, Circle Game, Michael From Mountains, Chelsea Morning and Both Sides Now, an impressive appraisal of love and life.

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Added to Library on December 5, 2009. (4950)


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