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It could only be Ms. Joni Print-ready version

by Shinan Govani
National Post
June 29, 2009

Apparently, there are other musicians.

In the land of the very much living, there is Joni Mitchell, who's getting a special call-out right now from Stevie Nicks (also alive and well). Asked to name one "record that changed my life" by Elle magazine, the latter named that singular '60s folkie from Canada. Mitchell's Court and Spark, from 1974, to be precise.

"She was able to stuff so many words into one sentence and not have them sound crowded," says Nicks who, we're told, listened to the album for three days straight back in the day.

"She was," says Ms. Fleetwood Mac, "talking about what it was like to be very famous and to be a woman living in a man's world. She had been in the world of fame much longer than me, and she had gone out with every famous rock 'n' roll star that there was. And she was such an amazing guitarist that they all respected her. That was unheard of. She was in the boys' club."

Nicks hadn't quite made it yet, but she knew she was going to, and Mitchell, in sum, "talked about what I saw coming." Listening to the album, in that way, was like listening to a "great old premonition."

This! That!

- Kevin Spacey, in town recently shooting Casino Jack, did a lot of getting around while in town, including a get-out to Fuzion, on Church Street. According to Fab, the two-time Oscar-grabber was there "sipping on martinis and munching on frites."

- It was a Canadian bonfire of sorts at Morton's on Saturday, when two founding members of sketch gang The Kids in the Hall broke bread - and bone-in fillet - with Rush's guitar-god. Neither Dave Foley nor Kevin McDonald nor Alex Lifeson skimped on dessert.


Hello! Canada editor-in-chief Ciara Hunt scurried back as fast she could from her getaway to Barbados so she could be in Toronto on Friday to start drumming up a special tribute issue to Michael Jackson - in record time! Gonna be Startin' Something may, indeed, have been the theme song inside the Rogers building at One Mount Pleasant Rd., where there was also lots of other co-scurrying, courtesy of staffers at sibling-magzine Maclean's. On holiday during a rare off-publication week, those journos too rushed back to put out an issue of their own. There, sources tell us, lots of "take-out Swiss Chalet" was proffered to keep the troops fuelled.

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Added to Library on June 29, 2009. (1174)


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