Library of Cultural References

  • Library: Cultural References in Books

The Hour I First Believed

by Wally Lamb [Harper - 2008]
ASIN: 0060393491

Phyliss sent the quote and wrote:

The main character is in to music, as I am sure the author is as well. All three of his books are titled after song lyrics. Anyway, after an...ahem...private moment with himself the paragraph reads:

Page 230
I cleared my throat, tucked myself back inside my boxers. What was that old Joni Mitchell lyric? "After the rush, when you come back down..." Upstairs, the toilet flushed. Selfish prick, I thought. Absent Boy..."

From Paris France, William also clued us in on this book:

[Above is] A reference in a book I'm reading.

Thank you Phyliss & William!

(Contributed by William Quicke and Phyliss)


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