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Blazes All Across The Sky: Writers on the Poetry of Joni Mitchell

Posted November 07, 2011

A new book, tentatively titled "Blazes All Across The Sky: Writers Respond to the Poetry of Joni Mitchell", will be published in Spring 2013 by Three O’Clock Press of Toronto.

According to sources close to her, Joni is excited about the project because it is about her work as a poet, and the creative process itself, and has many incredible contributors, including First Nations authors. They also said she will be contributing to the project in some way herself.

Many authors and artists are involved; some are famous, some friends of Joni. Wally Lamb, Kim Addonizio, and Sharon Veer ("Song for Sharon") are among the cast of contributors, to name a few.

The book is a compilation of original essays, poetry, short fiction, a scene from a new play, and a few original photographs, paintings, and collages.

Each contributor shares his or her connection to, interpretation of, and inspiration from their favorite Mitchell poem. Many comment on a larger societal or political issue explored therein. All share their experiences of why Joni’s work has been so important to them, and in doing so, touch yet transcend the personal.

"Blazes" is the vision of Lisa Sornberger, a poet who created this project to honor Joni as one of the finest poets of our time. "It is my way to say thank you to someone whose work has resonated so deeply, brought me great joy, and solace, and sparked my own creative process. I think I can safely say the other contributors feel similarly."

John Sornberger is Lisa’s co-editor, and brings his talents as a poet, author, editor, and left-brained thinker to the project.

"We expect the result will be a meeting of the minds and hearts of those everywhere who have been moved by Mitchell’s poetry. It is high time Joni got her due as the poet she is", say the Sornbergers.