News Item

NPR's 50 Great Voices and the elusive boxed set

Posted November 08, 2009

In January 2010, NPR will launch a year-long exploration of 50 great voices in recorded history. The series isn't an attempt to catalog the so-called "greatest" singers. Instead, they hope to discover and re-discover awe-inspiring vocalists from around the world and across time. Earlier, NPR asked the public to nominate artists for the series and received thousands of options. NPR and a panel of experts are in the process of whittling them down to about 100 singers - a mix of familiar names and surprising discoveries. Currently, down to around 130 singers, Joni is still in the running! Let's help Joni get recognized as one of the 50 great voices. Cast your vote!

Also, the word from the man on the street is that Reprise has begun handling the new releases from Rhino. There was some concern about Rhino's health and it appears now that there still may be hope for the release of Joni's boxed set what with Reprise stepping in. Sorry for the mere speculation, but the status of this set seems to be the most closely guarded secret since the appointment of the pope. Thanks to Greg for the tip.