News Item

Joni 's Drawings on exhibit in London

Posted October 02, 2009

Five "unseen" drawings of Joni's are currently featured in a new exhibition at the Scream Gallery in west London. The gallery is currently home to the music industry’s greatest legends’ artwork, some of which has never been seen before. Frank Sinatra, for example, painted himself as a cheerless, unkempt clown while coping with a divorce from his third wife, actress Ava Gardner. The self-portrait, which will be available this month for £25,000, is just one of more than 30 pieces, ranging from paintings to drawings to sketches, featured in the Original Artwork by Pop Culture Artists exhibition. The show, which opened on September 24, also includes works from Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Jimi Hendrix, Johnny Cash, and Kurt Cobain. Jamie Wood (son of musician Ronnie Wood), who runs the Scream gallery, said that he hoped the exhibition would establish these prominent musicians as “great visual artists in their own rights” due to the art world’s usual scorn of non-artist celebrities entering that realm. Wood assures that the 30-plus works on display “actually show so much more emotion than we see in much contemporary art these days, because they are by multifaceted artists whose creativity extends beyond just one dimension.” Those who can't make it to the event can view the artwork online. The exhibition closes on October 31st.