News Item

Website fund drive

Posted August 29, 2009 is the official site, yet 100% funded by fans. Our fund raising efforts only desire to cover actual monetary expenses for hosting the site - the cost of presenting this to you over the Internet. If the staff of this website were fully paid, certainly this site's cost would run into 6 figures annually. We're hoping only to raise $1800 (usd) for the year.

Did you know?:

The Chronology section is the result of over four decades of work by Simon Montgomery. Rivaled only perhaps... maybe... by the Bob Dylan chronology, this incredible archive of concert dates is presented, like everything else on the site, absolutely free.

The Library is the result of a decade of research by fans across the globe, all contributing their own time, money, and energy to bring a searchable goldmine of more than five decades of articles and books written about Joni. We know of no other such archive devoted to a single artist anywhere else on the Internet.

Joni Undercover is also an unrivaled one-of-a-kind archive. The product of years of research by Bob Muller and contributors across the world, this collection of "covers" has become the standard by which others are judged.

The Guitar and Piano sections present, for free, hundreds of transcriptions of Joni's music. Again, this section - decades in the making - has proven to be the definitive source (so far) for information on Joni's many unique tunings. Sue, Marian, Howard, and Dave collect, create, and present this exhaustive archive for all to use.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. From the site's original vision by Wally Breese and Jim Johansen - to the interactive nature of the site today, presents a depth and wealth of information worthy of the great artist herself. We refuse all advertisements, and we refuse to EVER charge to view any of the content. Please consider making a donation to keep this site alive.