News Item

New look for unveiled

Posted March 13, 2009

Welcome to the new look! has been extensively reworked and redesigned. Primarily, we've made the site much more interactive and community-based.

- Nearly every section has a comment area, where you can tell us how you feel.
- Simon Montgomery's amazing Chronology section now allows you to add your concert memories and upload photos, concert tickets, and other memorabilia.
- The old JMDL song/album poll system has given way to a 1-10 rating system that's quick and easy.
- Album and Lyric sections have been expanded so that relevant information is at your fingertips - music transcriptions, footnotes, album notes, etc.
- The Library has been expanded to include books, DVDs, and photographs as well as the articles.
- Links to purchase Joni things abound, helping support the site in the process.
- The site now features guitar and piano transcriptions
Links to purchase Joni things abound, helping support the site in the process.
- And, you can listen to sound clips of all of Joni's songs.

It's important to register to get the most out of the new site. It's quick and free as always. It is, however, a new database so your old registration won't work, sorry. And for those who are totally confused, there's a new sitemap [obsolete] as well. Enjoy!