News Item

February 28, 2003

Posted February 28, 2003

Exciting news -- Woman of Heart and Mind, the upcoming video documentary of Joni's life and career, is coming to a TV screen near you soon! Years in the making, this exhaustively researched documentary is essential viewing, featuring plenty of never-before-seen material. First peek goes to Canadian viewers, who have two dates to watch for: On Tuesday March 4, CBC will air Part One of the program on Life and Times; Part Two can be seen on March 11. The Life and Times site calls the program "a rare, intimate look at a multi-award winning musician who is as private and reflective as the lyrics for which she is celebrated," and I expect the show will fulfill those expectations for many Joni fans, old and new alike. CBC has also posted a few tantalizing video previews of the show -- I think they're incredible. I'm even more excited now than I was in the first place. Have a look.

The three Woman of Heart and Mind video previews from CBC:

1. Joni enters onto the "bad girls" trail
2. Graham Nash and Joni "get on"
3. Joni captures the spirit of Woodstock

U.S. viewers have to wait what to me seems like forever, until April 2, when PBS will air the entire program at once on American Masters (check local listings for times). I'm hoping airdates for other countries will be announced soon.

Crash!!! To those who may be worried about how long it's been since the last news post, Joni's fine, and hasn't fallen off the edge of the earth. I was planning to take some time off around the holidays after Travelogue was released; I didn't realize my computer would decide to take an extended holiday of its own soon after I returned. Off to the repair shop it went, where finding the problem and repairing it took lots of time and money. Everything seems to be pretty much back to normal for now. Let's hope it doesn't happen again anytime soon -- what a pain!

Appreciation to the hundreds of concerned readers who've written in. I suppose it's a mixed blessing of sorts that my computer crashed when it did. I didn't get too far behind, which is a good thing; unfortunately, I'm not too far behind because there have been no tours announced, precious little in the way of public appearances to write about. No new interviews given over at least the past month, either. The only files I lost were the ones I'd been currently writing, but I still have some backtracking to do. Expect a few updates on what's been happening since Travelogue's release soon.