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Haim Isaacs sings Joni Mitchell, Paris, June 17

Posted June 07, 2023

I’d like to share my passion for Joni Mitchell with you.

Born in New York, my family immigrated to Israel when I was 12 years old. It was there that I first heard Joni’s music. She immediately seeped into my bones.

Morning, noon, and night I walked the streets of Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Jericho, singing her songs. Later, in Paris, she hovered over my left should as I composed.

Our jazz quartet celebrates Joni. Each musician is a multi- instrumentalist creating rich soundscapes. Three voice harmonies abound. Between the songs I tell stories of H, a teenager in Jerusalem in the 70’s, bewitched by Joni.

Haim Isaacs voice
Frédéric Reynier piano, percussions
Jules Lefrançois drums, tuba, backup vocals
Yann-Lou Bertrand double bass, trumpet, backup vocals
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