Library of Cultural References

  • Library: Cultural References in Poetry

Practical Water

ISBN-13: 9780819569318

There's a river of nevers the South Coast where some would like it
most if there were a river which there were by gum by the fall of
capitalism The banks crash as we write this We had a pilgrim's regress
crazy brenda & her
sorceress She ran with
her love on the boardwalk The marine layer grows fatter/ over 13
million travelers You know that part in Vertigo when Kim Novak jumps
backward in the Bay It looks like a set he said but it was filmed on location
That part on the
other hand
he said
holding her other hand was filmed in a tank in Los Angeles We are about
out of time O three-spine stickleback O word riparian O valley oak
over Santa Monica o black walnut plowed under long ago Visit us now
in our maritime routes Visit us now Tetradymia spinosa cotton-thorn
Visit us now in
the hour of our
need Visit us now in the hour of our seed of cord grass & Gray's fescue
Visit us now in the hour over San Gabriel short-awn foxtail & fluff grass
bent grass & blue grama Visit us now in the hour of our native & non-
tree that made Hollywood
Dear love i'm tired
Let's go to bed Maybe a college girl is reading this when we're a little
dead O girl mind your watershed Take care of crazy poets
Visit the inner-net In the end there will be a rupture
said Walter whose arcade
thought up the Web
We are freckles of sun We are sleeping in the poem Shoppers stand
in the little shops They don't know what to buy We lie at the Shangri La
between z & y No one knows how this sentence will end in a dream
with a lyric sky
Visit us Joni Mitchell
Visit us Future of Poetry with a solitude of streamlets into a local
pond the mind at the end of the palm Nothing was gone when we
saw that bird We saw its feathers as water It was in & out of time

(Contributed by Laura Oppermann)


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