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Folk Pair Highlight ‘Festival’ Print-ready version

The Tennessean
August 3, 1969
Original article: PDF

FOLKSINGERS Arlo Guthrie and Joni Mitchell make the "Sounds of Summer" scene, Sunday (7 p.m., Ch. 2).

Highlights from their concert at the Mississippi River Festival, plus an interview with the young performers, will make up Net's two-hour program.

Guthrie, author of the recent hit recording "Alice's Restaurant" and son of the immortal Woody Guthrie, is one of the most popular folksingers today. Like Joni Mitchell, with whom he shares the spotlight, he writes most of his own material, and his songs are included in the folksongs repertory.

The 24-year-old blond, Canadian-born Joni has written over sixty songs, including "Chelsea Morning" and "Both Sides Now." Her songs have been compared to Bob Dylan's for their "richness and profusion of imagery," and she has been acclaimed for her pure vocal delivery.

Joni Mitchell and Arlo Guthrie were recorded for the NET program at a concert given during the premiere season of the Mississippi River Festival. This new annual musical event takes place on the campus of Southern Illinois University of Edwardsville. The summer home of the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra, the festival features orchestral concerts and performances by leading pop, rock, and folk artists.

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Added to Library on October 22, 2017. (4911)


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