This work-in-progress lists all currently known appearances, drawn from a variety of sources.
Researched, Compiled, and Maintained by Simon Montgomery, © 2001-2025.
Special thanks to Joel Bernstein for his contributions and assistance.
Latest Update: February 2, 2025
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JoniFan#99 on :
This concert in Memphis would have been when Joni met Furry Lewis and visited Beale Street which provided the inspiration for the song "Furry Sings the Blues" on Hejira.
bobbybernardo on :
Living in Southern California since 1976 but before I left Memphis I went to see Joni and one of the highlights of the concert was when the sax player (David Luell) ended a song by walking off stage while still playing solo.
Most of the bands that came through Memphis in the 70's usually stayed at the same hotels so we got on the phone and found the right hotel in east Memphis and bee-lined it there after the show and Joni was kind enough to host her fans at the after-show party.
My 22y/o daughter who lives in Hollywood just asked me if I liked Joni Mitchell.
Hell yes!!
Also used to hang with Furry Lewis at his house at 811 Mosby St. in Memphis:
nstuart on :
anniewhite is correct. it was at at the coliseum. I had a friend who worked at Popeye's Record room on the Highland Strip. They were the main concert ticket sellers back then as Ticketmaster was not in existence yet. Anyway, they always got free tickets and none of them wanted to go see a "chick" singer so I got 4 tickets, 5th row center. it was like a religious experience! Court and Spark had been released and it was as if she had read my mind. Wonderful memories. I thought she was disconnected but that was just her.
anniewhite on :
It was at the colliseum not ellis auditorium. I had waited and waited to see her. My friend n highschool turned me on to her music and I really was never the same after that. She played with L.A Express. She seemed very disconnected from the audience. I worked at Huey's in Midtown and had a customer who went to the airport (found out her flight info from a music producer in Memphis) Joni invited her to her hotel and gave her roses. My friend's daughter wanted to meet her. She said Joni shared what she was going thru at the time so it really explained her disconnect with her audiance. I remember her stopping in the middle of the concert and saying she had not done a sound check and if I remember correctly she had them turn on the lights. Other than that I just remember I was more taken with her as a song writer than anyone on the planet. She is such an intellent soul and writes in a way no one before her had. I still listen to her music today (expecially Blue). She is a genious. I love you Joni
lynx on :
She played at the Mid-South Coliseum (Ellis Auditorium in 1974), I've still got my ticket stub. Didn't have great seats but $6! I was thinking Hejira had just come out, sure recall her playing Coyote. Also remember Help Me, my girlfriend said it reminded her of me. It was the happiest time of my life. [ed.]
Nash on :
Joni playd an acoustic version of "Harry's House" and forgot the words, had to start over again. The crowd roared when she sang "Furry Sings the Blues." The encore was "Twisted" and Joni danced with a pink feather boa around her neck and smoked a cigarette.