JONI MITCHELL'S concert at the University of Cincinnati Feb, 10 has resulted in an unusual rhubarb on the campus, centered on the charge the concert was oversold. The Feb. 13 UC NewsRecord carried three long stories, a letter-to-the-editor, and an editorial.
I don't know any popular rock promoters. Certainly Ross Todd, who handled this one for Glen Eagle Productions, has taken plenty of personal lumps along the way.
But to get so much attention simply because it is claimed about 200 more tickets were sold than there were seats is a tempest in a teapot.
Essence of the problem to be that several hundred kids clogged the aisles, and that 200 seats behind the stage were eliminated when Joni's people hung a backdrop blocking the area. Many were irritated because a section was prominently roped off for VIPs right in front of the stage.
Anyone who goes to rock concerts more than once knows clogging the aisles is a way of life. No one has solved that one yet, short of turning a concert into a police-state operation.
Further, losing the seats behind the stage was one of those unforeseen happenings. And finally, the NewsRecord editorial statement that questions are "bordering on criminal allegations" is absurd.
No concert which sells festival (non-reserved) seating can operate without similar problems.
Pressure now is being put University officials to cancel Todd's announced April 6 concert at the Fieldhouse starring Emmylou Harris, Maria Muldaur, Pure Prairie League and Dane Donahue.
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