Coming soon to a bus shelter near you

Who's hot, who's not, and who looks good in denim

Toronto Globe and Mail
February 22, 1991

The following is a list of celebrities rumored to be participating in a new Canadian advertising campaign for The Gap, the U.S. jeans retailer.

Marcus, Mary Margaret, and Catherine O'Hara (hip siblings - Queen Street club owner, exotic singer, and comic actress, respectively)
Donald Sutherland (actor)
Margot Kidder (actress)
Karen Kain (prima ballerina)
Mark Messier* (hockey player/lantern-jawed hunk)
The Kids in the Hall (comedy team)
Margo Timmins* (lead singer, Cowboy Junkies)
Robbie Robertson (singer/songwriter)
Louise Lecavalier (modern dancer)
k.d. lang* (C&W singer/vegetarian)
Joni Mitchell* (singer/songwriter)
Norman Jewison* (director)

Thanks but no thanks

The Gap was turned down by the following:
Blue Rodeo (rock band)
Razor Ruddock (boxer)
Wayne Gretzky (hockey player/sports mogul)
Yousuf Karsh (photographer)

*originally photographed by Herb Ritts for U.S. campaign

Printed from the official Joni Mitchell website. Permanent link:

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