I'm Still Standing

by Bernie Taupin / Joni Mitchell

You’ll never know what love is like
You’re too self-centred and you’re too uptight
You’re cold and distant and you don’t care
I’ve seen the ugly side you hide behind that mask you wear

You’re not happy ’til you make me cry
That’s not gonna happen – look, my eyes are dry
And my heart’s not broken and my path is clear
And you were just a bumpy little detour, Dear

You think you won, you think I lost
You’d get the sunshine and I’d get the frost
My life gets better for me every day
And I’m still standing while you just fade away
v You think you won, you think I lost
You’d get the sunshine and I’d get the frost
My life gets better for me every day
And I’m still standing while you just fade away

Printed from the official Joni Mitchell website. Permanent link: https://jonimitchell.com/music/song.cfm?id=679

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